Societe generale pro

  • Is Societe Generale a safe bank?

    You will find the bank represented across the entire world.
    SocGen has an S&P rating of A, a Moody's rating of A1, and a Fitch rating of A+, as well as many other high credit ratings..

  • What are the objectives of Societe Generale?

    The Group combines financial strength, proven expertise in innovation and a sustainable growth strategy with the objective of creating value for all our stakeholders.
    We seek to be a trusted partner in the projects of those building tomorrow's world today..

  • Team spirit, innovation, responsibility and commitment are the core values shared by all Societe Generale employees.
Suivre vos comptes professionnels et personnels n'a jamais été aussi simpleMon compte en ligneDécouvrez les fonctionnalitésVos comptesVos cartes.
Générale Occidentale was a French investment company formed by Anglo-French businessman James Goldsmith.
It later became the media arm of Alcatel Alsthom S.A., before being absorbed into Havas S.A..


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