Society registration

  • How do I register my society in MP?

    To register a society in MP, submit the required documents, including the application, rules, and bylaws, to the Registrar of Societies.
    Ensure compliance with the Madhya Pradesh Society Registration Act and pay the prescribed fee..

  • How do you create a society organization?

    Eligibility Criteria for Society Registration
    Minimum Members: Minimum 7 members are required to form a society.
    Common Objectives: Members must share a common social, cultural, charitable, literary, scientific, or other non-profit objectives..

  • How many members required for society registration in Delhi?

    Eligibility Criteria for Society Registration
    Minimum Members: Minimum 7 members are required to form a society.
    Common Objectives: Members must share a common social, cultural, charitable, literary, scientific, or other non-profit objectives..

  • Is society registration mandatory in India?

    The rules and regulations given in the memorandum of association form a contract amongst the members of the society and they are necessarily required to be registered under statute, these rules or regulations do not acquire any statutory character..

  • What documents are required for society registration in Telangana?

    Following documents are necessary for society registration in Telangana:

    Acknowledgement containing the reference number.Proceedings of the first meeting.Application, Affidavit and Memorandum of Society.Executive committee members ID and address proof.Passport size photographs of executive committee members..

  • What is a registered society in India?

    Societies are usually registered to promote charitable activities such as education, health, environment, arts, religion, culture, music, sports, etc..

  • What is the fee for society registration in UP?

    - (.

    1. Every application under Section 19 for inspection of any document shall be entered in the Register referred to in Rule 6(e)
    2. . 39[(.
    3. The application shall be accompnied with a fee of Rs
    4. . 50/- payable in respect of each society for each day of inpection or part thereof.]

  • Eligibility Criteria for Society Registration
    Minimum Members: Minimum 7 members are required to form a society.
    Common Objectives: Members must share a common social, cultural, charitable, literary, scientific, or other non-profit objectives.
  • The required fee for society registration in India is ₹18,000 for state level and ₹23,000 for National Level societies.
A society can be formed for the advancement of literature, science
Society registration
Society registration

Learned society for the study and promotion of languages, linguistics, and philology

The Philological Society, or London Philological Society, is the oldest learned society in Great Britain dedicated to the study of language as well as a registered charity.
The current Society was established in 1842 to investigate and promote the study and knowledge of the structure, the affinities, and the history of languages.
The society publishes a journal, the Transactions of the Philological Society, issued three times a year as well as a monographic series.

Former trade union of the United Kingdom

The Society of Registration Officers was a trade union representing officers of the vital registration service in England and Wales.
Members provided the local birth, marriage and death registration service, the majority working in local Register Offices.

Indian legislation

The West Bengal Societies Registration Act, 1961 is an Act of the West Bengal Legislative Assembly, of West Bengal state in India.
The Act was passed by the West Bengal Legislature.
It was an act to provide for the registration of societies or NGOs whose head office had to be situated in the state of West Bengal.
Before this act, the societies in West Bengal were registered under the Societies Registration Act.
The act is accompanied by the West Bengal Societies Registration Rules, 1963.


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