Society sentence

  • How to use how in a Sentence?

    How in questions

    1. I haven't seen you for ages
    2. How was the film?
    3. Do you know how I can get to the bus station?
    4. I asked her how she was but she didn't answer me
    5. How old is your grandfather?
    6. How often do you get to your cottage at weekends?
    7. How much does the average DVD player cost these days?

  • What how to make a Sentence?

    A sentence follows Subject + Verb + Object word order.
    He (subject) obtained (verb) his degree (object)..

  • What is a society in simple words?

    Society is defined as 'a group of people who live in a definable community and share the same culture'.
    Society is often the cornerstone of many sociologists' research.
    The main characteristics of society are shared norms, values, and beliefs..

  • What is social sentence?

    Examples of social in a Sentence
    Her sister is much more social than she is. social institutions like marriage and family Health care is a major social issue.
    Child abuse has become a serious social problem..

  • What is society in a sentence?

    Examples of society in a Sentence
    We need to do more to help the poorer members of our society. the values of Western society She was introduced to society at a formal reception.
    The club's members are drawn from the ranks of high society.5 days ago.

  • We commonly use the pronoun it as both a subject and an object pronoun:

    1. Don't drink the milk.
    2. It smells terrible.
    3. Has anyone seen my phone? I can't find it anywhere
    4. That furniture is lovely.
    5. It isn't too expensive for us, is it?.
    6. You know the flat with three bedrooms by the supermarket?

What does society mean in a sentence?

The Word "Society" in Example Sentences Page 1 762149 Today, I plan to talk about the importance of sports in modern society

CK 1298991 He is a danger to society

CK2361133 I don't care what societysays

CK28753 We live in a civilized society

CM249398 We live in a democratic society

CM67333 Ants have a well-organized society

What is a synonym for society?

Society in a sentence (esp good sentence like quote, proverb

) Synonym: alliance , association , community , company , federation , league , organization , people , populace , public , sect , union , world

Similar words: anxiety , variety , a variety , social , socially , a variety of , associate , associated

Meaning: [sə'saɪətɪ] n 1
Examples of society in a Sentence Noun Poverty hurts society as a whole. We need to do more to help the poorer members of our society. the values of Western society She was introduced to society at a formal reception. The club's members are drawn from the ranks of high society.Examples of Society in a sentence Homeowners contested that the property tax was unfair since it singles out one segment in society. The school society was made up of teachers, parents, students, as well as other members of the community.

How To Use Society In A Sentence?

  • Such society would not be very eligible for you, but all this will soon be altered.
  • Even that he could not do well, society had softened his muscles and effeminised his constitution.
More itemsSentence Examples The witticisms of Oscar Wilde are without a doubt some of the most amusing and perceptive observations on society. All research indicates that the more equal a society, the healthier, more stable, cohesive and happy it is. One of the beauties of living in a free society is the freedom of choice availed to its citizenry.
Society sentence
Society sentence
The Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) is a professional society of Biblical scholars, educators, pastors, and students devoted to the inerrancy and inspiration of the Scriptures and the gospel of Jesus Christ and dedicated to the oral exchange and written expression of theological thought and research.


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