Society social console

  • Rattan Console

    Portola Hills Caned Do

  • Rattan Console

    The low height makes it convenient to rest and reach items like drinks, books, and phones.
    Whereas a console is wide and narrow and about counter height, the ideal side table is 20 to 24 inches tall and 16 to 22 inches wide..

  • What is a console area?

    A console table is a long, shallow storage option usually placed up against a wall in an entryway or flush against the back of a couch.
    It is a great way to utilize small spaces to not only function as additional storage, but to also show off some of your home decor and personality..

  • What is a sofa table used for?

    What is a Sofa Table? As the name suggests, a sofa table is designed to be placed against the back of the sofa in a living room.
    Not only does a sofa table turn dead space into something useful, it often ties an entire living room together, making it look planned & intentional..

  • Why is it called a console table?

    It's widely believed that the term console table comes from an abbreviation of the French word 'consolide', which in turn comes from the Latin word 'consolidare', meaning 'to strengthen'.
    This name likely entered common vernacular as a result of the unique design of the console table itself..

What is a console war?

It turns out that console wars are just an expression of broader human nature

What Is a Console War Exactly? In case you’re blissfully unaware of the battles fought in the name of console brand loyalty, console wars are essentially the animosity people who favor one console feel towards people who prefer another

What is a social society?

Some are just social societies (and often have strange names as a result), while others centre around certain groups, sports, activities or pursuits (such as debating and photography)

Most societies will request a membership fee

This can vary depending on the cost of running the society and the social activities it offers

What's coming to society social?

While Society Social is still a small operation, you can expect to see plenty more buzz around it in the future: in addition to opening the Charlotte store, the brand recently partnered with Brunschwig & Fils to launch an exclusive colorway of its iconic Les Touches fabric, and next year, plans to unveil a collaboration with designer Ariel Okin

Are you new to Society Social? A few years ago, a close friend recommended I check out their site. At the time

Pro-social behavior

Consoling touch is a pro-social behavior involving physical contact between a distressed individual and a caregiver.
The physical contact, most commonly recognized in the form of a hand hold or embrace, is intended to comfort one or more of the participating individuals.
Consoling touch is intended to provide consolation - to alleviate or lessen emotional or physical pain.
This type of social support has been observed across species and cultures.
Studies have found little difference in the applications of consoling touch, with minor differences in frequency occurrence across cultures.
These findings suggest a degree of universality.
It remains unclear whether the relationship between social touch and interpersonal emotional bonds reflect biologically driven or culturally normative behavior.
Evidence of consoling touch in non-human primates, who embrace one another following distressing events, suggest a biological basis.
Numerous studies of consoling touch in humans and animals unveil a consistent physiological response.
An embrace from a friend, relative, or even stranger can trigger the release of oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin into the bloodstream.
These neurotransmitters are associated with positive mood, numerous health benefits, and longevity.
Cortisol, a stress hormone, also decreases.
Studies have found that the degree of intimacy and quality of relationship between consoler and the consoled mediates physiological effects.
In other words, while subjects experience reduced cortisol levels while holding the hand of a stranger, they exhibit a larger effect when receiving comfort from a trusted friend, and greater still, when holding the hand of a high quality romantic partner.


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