Matrilineal society quizlet

  • How were matrilineal societies different from patrilineal society?

    In matrilineal kinship systems, lineage and inheritance are traced through a group's female members and children are part of their mother's kinship group.
    In contrast, in patrilineal systems, group membership is determined through men and children are part of their father's kinship group..

  • What are the characteristics of a matrilineal society?

    descent through mother (family name through mother), matrilocal residence system (husband lives in wife's residence), and inheritance of parental property by daughter.
    Any society where these characteristics exist is considered to be matrilineal..

  • What is a matrilineal society in sociology?

    A person's lineage is his or her line of ancestors.
    So matrilineal means basically "through the mother's line", just as patrilineal means "through the father's line".
    Matrilineality is an important concept in anthropology; among other things, it usually determines who will inherit property on a person's death..

  • What is a matrilineal society quizlet?

    Matrilineal societies trace lineage through the mother rather than the father.
    Patrilineal societies were those that trace the lineage through the father..

  • What is a matrilineal system quizlet?

    In societies with patrilineal descent system, women bear children who are members of their husband's descent group, whereas in matrilineal systems, their children are members of their own descent group..

  • Which is a matrilineal society?

    matrilineal society, also called matriliny, group adhering to a kinship system in which ancestral descent is traced through maternal instead of paternal lines (the latter being termed patrilineage or patriliny)..

  • In matrilineal societies, inheritance and family ties are traced to women.
    Matrilineal descent is common in Native American societies, notably the Crow and Cherokee tribes.
  • The Minangkabau of Sumatra, Indonesia, are the world's largest matrilineal society, in which properties such as land and houses are inherited through female lineage.
    In Minangkabau society, the man traditionally marries into his wife's household, and the woman inherits the ancestral home.
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Matrilineal societies were traced through the mothers side, and the women were the most important, because they were the main sorce of food, because they have more fertial lands. Patrilineal, men were more in charge, because they went out hunting, more meat eating society, and not as many fertial lands.
Matrilineal. A matrilineal society is a society in which lineage, birthright and social classification are traced through the mother's ancestry rather than the father's, as is common in patriarchal societies.(of or based on kinship with the mother or the female line) Matrilocal.


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