Society can be defined as

  • Areas of society

    Society is a concept used to describe the structured relations and institutions among a large community of people which cannot be reduced to a simple collection or aggregation of individuals.' ( 1).

  • Characteristics of society

    Culture has been called "the way of life for an entire society." As such, it includes codes of manners, dress, language, religion, rituals, art..

  • Characteristics of society

    Summary What Is a Society? According to sociologists, a society is a group of people with common territory, interaction, and culture.
    Social groups consist of two or more people who interact and identify with one another..

  • How do you describe a society?

    Society is a group of individuals who live and work together to obtain common interests who already have a life order, norms, and customs that are adhered to in their environment..

  • What are ways to define society?

    1. : companionship or association with one's fellows : friendly or intimate intercourse : company.
    2: a voluntary association of individuals for common ends. especially : an organized group working together or periodically meeting because of common interests, beliefs, or profession..

  • What can a society be defined as quizlet?

    A society can be defined as a group of people that share a common set of values and norms; that is, a group bound together by a common culture.
    But there is not a strict one-to-one correspondence between a society and a nation-state..

  • What is classified as a society?

    Summary What Is a Society? According to sociologists, a society is a group of people with common territory, interaction, and culture.
    Social groups consist of two or more people who interact and identify with one another..

a large group of people who live together in an organized way, making decisions about how to do things and sharing the work that needs to be done.A society (/ səˈsaɪəti /) is a group of individuals involved in persistent social interaction or a large social group sharing the same spatial or social territory, typically subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations.Definition of Society (noun) A large group of interacting people in a defined territory, sharing a common culture.SOCIETY meaning: 1 : people in general thought of as living together in organized communities with shared laws, traditions, and values; 2 : the people of a particular country, area, time, etc., thought of especially as an organized communitySociety definition, an organized group of persons associated together for religious, benevolent, cultural, scientific, political, patriotic, or other purposes.


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