Society as a source of curriculum

  • What is a source of curriculum?

    CURRICULUM.  refers to the lessons and academic content taught in a school or in a specific course or program.  Serves as a central guide for all educators as to what is essential for teaching and learning, so that every. student has access to rigorous academic experiences..

  • What is society as source of curriculum?

    Society as source of curriculum
    Society is an importatant source of curriculum.
    Teachers need to understand the cultural, socio economic and political condition of the people.
    Understanding the context is important in developing in relevant and responsive curriculum (Tyler,1949; Nicholls & Nicholls, 1978)..

  • What makes society and learners as sources of curriculum?

    Societyas Source of Curriculum Society - is an important source of curriculum.
    Teachers needs to understand the culture, socio-economic, and political conditions of the people.
    Understanding the context is important in developing a relevant and responsive curriculum..

  • Why is the society a major source of curriculum objective?

    Curriculum goals are derived from three sources: studies of society, studies of learners, and suggestions of subject matter specialists (Tyler, 1949).
    From studies of society the curriculum developer derives information about the needs of contemporary life, tradition, enduring values, and aspirations..

  • It encompasses various aspects of human life, including economic systems, political structures, and social interactions.
    Society plays a fundamental role in shaping individual identity, socialisation, and collective progress, creating a sense of belonging and interconnectedness among its members.
  • The sociological foundation refers to issues from society that have an influence on curriculum.
    Since the school exists within a given society; and the fact that the 'products' of the school, i.e., the 'graduates' go back to the society, makes the latter an inevitable determinant of the curriculum.
Feb 16, 2018Society expects schools to transform culture. School curriculum is an instrument for reconstructing, changing and improving culture. Education 

Sources of The Curriculum

 The term curriculumrefers to the lessons and academic content taught in a school or in a specific course or program. In dictionaries

Subject-Centered Approach

Anchored on the curriculum design which prescribes different and separatesubjects into one broad field

Horizontal Organization

A horizontal curriculum means that what is studied in one particular course inan institution is in line with other


Design based on the students lives, needs and interest. Child, centered


 Students design their own learning , construct and revise their knowledge through direct participation and active observation Why


 Radical view society as deeply flawed and believe that school used in curriculum to control & indoctrinate and emancipate Radical view society as deeply


 Emphasized human potential

Life Situation-Design

 Starting point: Student’s existing concerns

Reconstructionist Design

 Student should be involved in creating a more equitable society Encourage industrial and political changes Curriculum should foster social action

What are the three main sources of curriculum?

Submit worksheets/expected outputs in the google classroom

Tyler (1949) identified three major sources of curriculum: subject matter, society, and learners

These curriculum sources need to be considered and examined to identify the four elements of curriculum: goals, content, learning experiences, and evaluation

What is a curriculum?

Curriculum is the entire range of experiences, both directed and undirected, concerned in unfolding the abilities of the individual


43) [The curriculum is] a succession of experiences and enterprises having a maximum lifelikeness for the learner

giving the learner that development most helpful in meeting and controlling life situations

Why is it important to understand society in developing a curriculum?

Likewise, it is important to have a clear understanding of the nature of society in developing a curriculum

This provides a more comprehensive idea of the needs, demands, and problems of the society and the available resources that can be utilized in the development and implementation of the curriculum (Tyler, 1949)

the development and implementation of the curriculum (Tyler, 1949). In short, society, as one of the curriculum sources, provides information about the context in which curriculum will be used. This is important to make the curriculum more relevant and responsive.Society as a Source Curriculum are designed to serve the broad social interests of society, as well as the local community. Support is shown for society as a curriculum source since the universe is becoming, rather than existing for our detached scientific viewing. Society shows where to modify the curriculum.Society as a source believes that curriculum design should include collaboration. Designers should not ignore the diversity of human life as seen in culture, ethnicity and social class. The curriculum should imbibe this and meet the needs of each student.


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