Society during mughal period pdf

  • What was life like during the Mughal Empire?

    Thus, during the rule of the Mughuls, the economic structure of the Indian society was feudal in which the people were divided into different upper and lower categories.
    In such a society the people of upper strata were the only beneficiaries while the common people toiled and remained mostly on existence level..

  • What was the social life in India during Mughal period?

    Question: What was the social life of the Mughals like? Answer: The Mughal society was a pyramid, with the emperor and nobility at the top, followed by the middle class, which was a very small population, and then the poor class, which was the largest and most densely concentrated..

  • What was the society of the Mughal Empire?

    The society during the Mughal rule followed a pyramidal structure at the top of which existed the emperor.
    After the emperor, there was the nobility such as the ministers followed by the middle class.
    The middle class that prevailed during the Mughal era was mainly composed of traders and merchants..

  • The Mughals (also spelled Moghul or Mogul) are a number of culturally related clans of Indo-Turkic people in modern-day North India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.
    It is claimed they are descended from the various Central Asian Mongolic and Turkic tribes and Persians that settled in Mughal India.
Society during this period was marked by a strict hierarchy, with the Mughal emperors at the top and the common people at the bottom. The emperor was seen as a 
The period from 1526 to 1707 in India was marked by the emergence and consolidation of the Mughal Empire, which had a profound impact on the country's art, 

How did Mughal rule affect society?

During Mughal rule, Muslims averaged only about 15 percent of the population

For most of their era of dominance, however, Mughal rule was generally tolerant of all of the religions of the region

That policy created enough social stability to ensure healthy business, investment, and trade

How did the Mughal Empire develop in the Middle Ages?

Ruling as large a territory as the Indian subcontinent with such a diversity of people and cultures was an extremely difficult task for any ruler to accomplish in the Middle Ages

Quite in contrast to their predecessors, the Mughals created an empire and accomplished what had hitherto seemed possible for only short periods of time

Was the Mughal state a process?

Earlier in a similar paper I suggested that the Mughal state rather than being a structure perfected at a given point of time, could be seen as a process, which incorporated and adjusted to the traditions and customs of the peoples as well as to the regions that were integrated into the empire over the years


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