Society one contact

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Society one contact
Society one contact

Science fiction drama by Robert Zemeckis

Contact is a 1997 American science fiction drama film directed by Robert Zemeckis, based on the 1985 novel by Carl Sagan.
Sagan and his wife Ann Druyan wrote the story outline for the film.
It stars Jodie Foster as Dr.
Eleanor Ellie Arroway, a SETI scientist who finds evidence of extraterrestrial life and is chosen to make first contact.
It also stars Matthew McConaughey, James Woods, Tom Skerritt, William Fichtner, John Hurt, Angela Bassett, Rob Lowe, Jake Busey, and David Morse.
It features the Very Large Array in New Mexico, the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, the Mir space station, and the Space Coast surrounding Cape Canaveral.
A contact explosive is a chemical substance that explodes violently when

A contact explosive is a chemical substance that explodes violently when

Substance which explodes when exposed to small amounts of energy

A contact explosive is a chemical substance that explodes violently when it is exposed to a relatively small amount of energy.
Though different contact explosives have varying amounts of energy sensitivity, they are all much more sensitive relative to other kinds of explosives.
Contact explosives are a part of a group of explosives called primary explosives, which are also very sensitive to stimuli but not to the degree of contact explosives.
The extreme sensitivity of contact explosives is due to either chemical composition, bond type, or structure.
Contact patch is the portion of a vehicle's tire that

Contact patch is the portion of a vehicle's tire that

The portion of a tire that is in contact with the surface

Contact patch is the portion of a vehicle's tire that is in actual contact with the road surface.
It is commonly used in the discussion of pneumatic tires, where the term is used strictly to describe the portion of the tire’s tread that touches the road surface.
The term “footprint” is used almost synonymously.
Solid wheels also exhibit a contact patch which is generally smaller than the pneumatic “footprint”.
In public health

In public health

Finding and identifying people in contact with someone with an infectious disease

In public health, contact tracing is the process of identifying persons who may have been exposed to an infected person (contacts) and subsequent collection of further data to assess transmission.
By tracing the contacts of infected individuals, testing them for infection, and isolating or treating the infected, this public health tool aims to reduce infections in the population.
In addition to infection control, contact tracing serves as a means to identify high-risk and medically vulnerable populations who might be exposed to infection and facilitate appropriate medical care.
In doing so, public health officials utilize contact tracing to conduct disease surveillance and prevent outbreaks.
In cases of diseases of uncertain infectious potential, contact tracing is also sometimes performed to learn about disease characteristics, including infectiousness.
Contact tracing is not always the most efficient method of addressing infectious disease.
In areas of high disease prevalence, screening or focused testing may be more cost-effective.
First contact

First contact

Topics referred to by the same term

Soft contact lenses are one of several types of contact lenses for corrective vision eyewear as prescribed by optometrists and ophthalmologists.

Type of electrical contact to semiconductors

An ohmic contact is a non-rectifying electrical junction: a junction between two conductors that has a linear current–voltage (I–V) curve as with Ohm's law.
Low-resistance ohmic contacts are used to allow charge to flow easily in both directions between the two conductors, without blocking due to rectification or excess power dissipation due to voltage thresholds.


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