Man vs society outsiders example

  • What are some examples of social division in The Outsiders?

    The socs are the upper class with money ,cars, and nice houses in a good area.
    The greasers are lower class and all they have is their hair, the bond of other each, and they live in a type of hood.
    They are complete different people but they still share lots of things in common.
    They also have lots of differences..

  • What is an example of a fight in The Outsiders?

    Rumbles, however, are more violent fights that involve groups of people fighting each other.
    The rumble in The Outsiders occurs after Johnny, a greaser, kills Bob, a Soc.
    Johnny stabs Bob to save his friend, Ponyboy, from being drowned in a fountain by the Socs..

  • What is an example of a man vs society conflict?

    Racism, segregation, religious beliefs, environmental issues, being wrongly accused of something, and being ousted from society are all examples of how someone can come into conflict with his or her community..

  • What is an example of man vs. society?

    Racism, segregation, religious beliefs, environmental issues, being wrongly accused of something, and being ousted from society are all examples of how someone can come into conflict with his or her community..

  • What is The Outsiders an example of?

    The Outsiders is an example of a bildungsroman.
    The German word bildungsroman translates as “novel of education.” It is closely related to the “coming of age” genre in film.
    Accordingly, a bildungsroman is a novel that focuses on the psychological and social development of the main character..

  • Who are examples of outsiders?

    An outsider is a stranger — someone who doesn't fit in, or someone who observes a group from afar.
    An outsider stands outside the group, looking in.
    If you go through high school without belonging to any particular group — you're not a jock, a nerd, or an artist, for example — you might feel like an outsider..

  • The group has a conflict, literally and figuratively, with a well-to-do gang known as the Socs.
    After Ponyboy's friend Johnny kills one of the Socs in a fight, the two skip town.
    As the story focuses on their experiences on the run, the primary conflict evolves into Ponyboy's struggles with becoming a mature young man.
  • The Socs attack Ponyboy and Johnny, and Johnny ends up killing one of the Socs.
    Being this is a problem between two characters (man vs. man), this would be an example of external conflict.
MAN vs. Even when Johnny and Ponyboy save the children from the church fire, they are not accepted by society. As Mr. Wood rides with them to the hospital, he judges and condemns them because of their gang affiliation. His prejudice upsets Ponyboy and sets him against traditional society.
MAN vs. Even when Johnny and Ponyboy save the children from the church fire, they are not accepted by society. As Mr. Wood rides with them to the hospital, he judges and condemns them because of their gang affiliation. His prejudice upsets Ponyboy and sets him against traditional society.

Man vs Society Conflict: When to Use It

At its core, man vs society is a clash between an individual’s wants and needsversus what is expected from them by others and society at large

Man vs Society Examples

1. 1984 (George Orwell): In a totalitarian society, the protagonist named Wi… 2


Man vs society conflicts inspire readers by encouraging them not to conform but instead strive towards being defined by their own beliefs and standing


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