Society toppers notes

  • How do you make prelims notes?

    To create notes for UPSC Prelims, start by selecting reliable sources for both current affairs and static subjects.
    Focus on highlighting key points, crucial facts, and important details while reading.
    Utilise bullet points and headings to structure your notes for clarity and easy reference..

  • Is toppers notes good for NEET?

    Why choose ToppersNotes for NEET? Notes have been prepared by NEET Top Faculties & Toppers, thus giving you an edge over regular aspirants.
    Detailed theory and concepts of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.
    Special focus on Physics and Chemistry(for students with weak subjects)..

  • Who are the optional toppers in sociology?

    Sociology Optional Toppers UPSC
    Aditi Varshney secured AIR 57 in UPSC 2022, and Jagrati Awasthi, who secured second rank in the CSE 2020, chose sociology as her optional subject.
    Similarly, in 2017, the second-ranked candidate Anu Kumari also opted for sociology as her optional subject..

  • For prelims
    Do not waste your time making notes for current affairs or standard books in prelims, at the same time, making notes for ancient history and art & culture only.
    This is because these subjects are theory-based and need to be learnt hard.
    Notes will help you revise everything repeatedly.
  • Ishita Kishore is declared as the present UPSC Topper 2022-23.
    Candidates can take a look at the previous year's toppers in order to get an idea about their preparation strategy, optional subject, and marks they scored on each paper.
  • Make precise and crisp points.
    Write notes into the points in a when, how, and where format.
    Sticking to the point is most important in notes making as you may end up filling your notebook with irrelevant information, which may not have much use.
₹2,000.00This book is written very nicely. This gives a deep insight on how IAS toppers approach a question and how I should be writing answers. Biswajeet 

Who wrote UPSC GS complete hand written topper notes?

UPSC Geography Complete Hand Written Topper Notes by Mandar Jayant Patki IAS [AIR 22, … More

UPSC GS Complete Hand Written Topper Notes Answer Copies by Jagrathi Awasti [AIR 2, … More

UPSC GS Complete Hand Written Topper Notes Answer Copies by Subham Kumar [AIR 1, … More


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