Society versus community

  • : a group of people with a common characteristic or interest living together within a larger society.
  • What is different between society and community?

    Society is a group of people living in a certain geographic area who interact with each other and share a common culture.
    On the other hand, the community is a name of a settlement, village, tribe or nation.
    When persons live together on a particular territory and have feelings of mutuality for each other.Apr 13, 2023.

  • Society: It refers to a larger, more encompassing entity that often involves multiple communities, encompassing a broader geographical, cultural, and social scope.
    Community: Represents a smaller, more localized group of individuals who share common interests, values, and goals within a specific geographic area.Oct 3, 2023
Society is a group of people living in a certain geographic area who interact with each other and share a common culture. On the other hand, the community is a name of a settlement, village, tribe or nation. When persons live together on a particular territory and have feelings of mutuality for each other.

What Is Community?

A community is a system of human beings organized for the purpose of serving together


All in all, in a society, the interaction among members is the primary element, as it controls the connections between networks of people

What is the difference between a community and a human relationship?

Both encompass human relationships but vary in scope and cohesion

In contrast, community primarily refers to a more intimate group of people who often share common values, interests, or a specific locality

Communities tend to foster stronger personal relationships, given their more confined size and shared interests

×The key difference between community and society is:
  • Community refers to a group of people living together in a specific geographic location who share a common interest, goal, or purpose.
  • Society refers to a group of people sharing cultural, social, and economic characteristics.
  • Community is concrete in nature and can be identified physically, while society is a mental construct and abstract in nature.
,Society is a group of people sharing cultural, social, and economic characteristics. A community is a group of individuals living in a specific geographical location who share a common interest, goal, or purpose. Society is broader and more abstract, unlike the community.Key difference: Both community and society are close relatives of each other. Community means a group of people living together, having some characteristics in common. Society means the number of people living in a region, by honoring its laws and customs.A community refers to a group of individuals residing in a specific geographic location whereas a society refers to a system of social relationships. This brings us to the second difference whereby a community is concrete in nature and can be identified physically contrary to a society which is a mental construct and abstract in nature.


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