Law society how long to keep files

  • How long do files have to be kept?

    Revenue and tax requirements (not less than six years)
    While the definition of records is specifically related to accounts and books of accounts etc, certain other supporting documents must be retained by the person obliged to keep the records for six years after the completion of the transaction to which they relate..

  • How long do lawyers have to keep files in Ontario?

    Generally, a period of fifteen years after the date that the file was closed will be an appropriate retention period.
    However, in setting a destruction date for such files, lawyers should consider the individual circumstances of the file and the likelihood of the lawyer requiring the file at a future date..

  • How long do lawyers keep files in BC?

    A lawyer must retain a record of the information and documents obtained for the purposes of client identification and verification for the longer of (a) the duration of the lawyer and client relationship and for as long as is necessary for providing services to the client, and (b) a period of at least six years .

  • How long do you have to keep archived documents UK?

    As a general rule of thumb, tax returns, financial statements and accounting records should be retained for a minimum of six years.
    This six-year period should start from the end of the last company financial year that the record relates to..

  • How long do you have to keep client records?

    As a general matter, seven years is usually sufficient for insurance agencies to maintain client records–that is, seven years after the policy ends or claims can no longer be filed..

  • A lawyer must retain a record of the information and documents obtained for the purposes of client identification and verification for the longer of (a) the duration of the lawyer and client relationship and for as long as is necessary for providing services to the client, and (b) a period of at least six years
  • Also note that the client identification rules require information related to the identification and verification of clients to be stored for six years following the completion of the work for which the lawyer was retained (see Rule 118.7(1) of the Rules of the Law Society of Alberta, available at http://www.lawsociety
  • As a general rule of thumb, tax returns, financial statements and accounting records should be retained for a minimum of six years.
    This six-year period should start from the end of the last company financial year that the record relates to.
There is no specific Law Society guidance stating how long a file should be retained in storage. Firms need to decide how long they wish to store closed 

Can a solicitor retain files after a file closure?

This should be dealt with in the retainer letter and in correspondence upon file closure

In particular circumstances, it may be necessary for solicitors to retain files beyond the suggested minimum retention periods below; solicitors must determine how long it is necessary to retain files based on their knowledge of the file and the client

How long should a file be kept in storage?

There is no specific Law Society guidance stating how long a file should be retained in storage

If you intend to store documents in an electronic format, you should first consider whether the absence of paper documents will be detrimental to the client's interests before you agree such storage methods with your client

How long should firms keep closed client files?

The issue of how long firms should keep closed client files is complex

There are no hard and fast rules and it is impossible to apply a one-size-fits-all approach

The SRA does not deal with the issue specifically, and the Law Society’s direct guidance is largely limited to trust and will files

For those practising in civil litigation, generally your files must be retained for at least six years after final judgment, dismissal, or settlement. If you act for a minor as plaintiff in a tort claim, the running of the limitation period does not commence until after the child reaches the age of majority.The Income Tax Act requires financial records to be maintained for six years from the last taxation year for which the record may be required for a determination under that Act. These requirements should not be confused with lawyers’ file retention obligations under the Law Society Rules.

Tax preparation program

CalFile is the current tax preparation program/service of the California Franchise Tax Board (FTB).


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