Culture and globalization book

  • How does globalization affect books?

    The impact of globalization on literature is manifold, with all its facets.
    On the one hand, the World Wide Web (www) allows even greater access to literary texts while on the other hand the publishing industry itself become more globalized and consolidated into multinational media conglomerates..

  • What is cultural Globalisation according to Tomlinson?

    In particular, Tomlinson interprets globalized cultural production and experience as outcomes of, on the one hand, the time-space transformations of social and cultural modernity and, on the other hand, of the dynamics of contemporary capitalism..

  • What is globalization and culture?

    Cultural globalization refers to the transmission of ideas, meanings and values around the world in such a way as to extend and intensify social relations.
    This process is marked by the common consumption of cultures that have been diffused by the Internet, popular culture media, and international travel..

  • In particular, Tomlinson interprets globalized cultural production and experience as outcomes of, on the one hand, the time-space transformations of social and cultural modernity and, on the other hand, of the dynamics of contemporary capitalism.
  • The impact of globalization on literature is manifold, with all its facets.
    On the one hand, the World Wide Web (www) allows even greater access to literary texts while on the other hand the publishing industry itself become more globalized and consolidated into multinational media conglomerates.
Rating 4.3 (5) $25.24First published in 1991, Culture, Globalization and the World-System is one of the inaugural books discussing the increasing tendency of cultural practices to 
In this series, leading experts and emerging scholars track cultural trends connected to globalization throughout the world, resulting in a powerful analytic 

How does cultural globalization affect culture?

Due to cultural globalization, the customs, traditions and artistic expressions of different parts of the world have been adapted to the changes that have emerged from it

The basis of this phenomenon is associated with the media, through which the cultures and customs of several countries merge

Is globalization provoking cultural resistance?

Paul Hopper leads the reader through the varied issues associated with globalization and culture, including deterritorialization, cosmopolitanism, cultural hybridization and homogenization, as well as claims that aspects of globalization are provoking cultural resistance

Why should we read the book Globalization & culture?

Throughout, the book offers a comprehensive treatment of hybridization arguments, and in discussing globalization and culture, problematizes the meaning of culture

This historically deep and geographically wide approach to globalization is essential reading as we face the increasing spread of conflicts bred by cultural misunderstanding


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