Cultural globalization in thailand

  • How does globalization contribute to cultural?

    Effects of cultural globalization include: Foreign cultures can supersede local, traditional cultural norms, values, and practices.
    Great ideas can be transmitted from one culture to another, including new forms of thinking about economic or political questions.
    Scientific discoveries and theories can also be shared..

  • How is Thailand affected by globalization?

    Thailand is a middle-income economy that benefited greatly from economic globalization.
    The country leveraged globalization, not only in foreign direct investment (FDI) and trade but also in international tourism, to reach upper middle income status by 2011..

  • What are some examples of globalization in Thailand?

    In addition, globalization has accelerated the penetration of Western value structures and norms.
    In Thailand, for example, upper and middle-class Thais now have access to cable TV, Western films and music, the Internet and travel abroad..

  • What is the cultural influence of Thailand?

    The culture of Thailand has been greatly influenced by Buddhism.
    But there have been dominating influences of Hinduism as well as influences from its neighboring nations of Myanmar and Laos.
    Chinese and Indian culture has also had influences on the Thai culture and cuisine..

  • Globalization index (0-100)
    The average value for Thailand during that period was 53.68 points with a minimum of 31.15 points in 1970 and a maximum of 73.3 points in 2019.
    The latest value from 2020 is 73 points.
    For comparison, the world average in 2020 based on 190 countries is 61.47 points.
Sep 27, 2017Globalization seems to homogenize the world, erasing every form of diversity and obscuring cultures and traditions of different peoples. It is 
Since globalization has been a steady factor over many centuries in Thailand and it has responded with cultural, spiritual, and educational reform, it is 

Is globalisation a threat to Southeast Asian cultural values?

This paper examines the extent to which contemporary globalisation diminishes local culture to pose itself as a formidable threat to Southeast Asian cultural values

Southeast Asia is home to thousands of different ethnic peoples with their distinctive languages, cultures, mores and religious beliefs

What is the debate between NGOs and globalization in Thailand?

The debate between "globaliz- zations (NGOs)

Thailand's monarch, King Bhumipon Adulyadet, macy to the localist side of the debate

The pro-globalization forces, however, continued to dominate Thailand's public policy

ful constraint on national policies

The Thai debate thus stands in Thailand

changes in national policy and political authority

Why is globalization important in Thailand?

Globalization has been welcomed as a means to increase opportunity, investment, and economic growth

Construction of dams has been one of the dominant enterprises in Thai development

There are two goals of the dams: to provide water for irrigation and to generate electricity

The conservation and management of Thailand's cultural heritage falls largely under the purview of the Fine Arts Department, under the framework of the Act on Ancient Monuments, Antiques, Objects of Art and National Museums, B.E. 2504 (1961).
Under the law, the department has authority to manage and protect architectural sites, antiques and objets d'art of significant artistic, historical, or archaeological value.
It is also responsible for operating national museums for the safekeeping of such artefacts.
As of September 2015, the Department lists 5,678 ancient monuments, 2,087 of which have officially been registered.
It operates 43 national museums throughout the country.
The foreign relations of Thailand are handled by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand.
Racism in Thailand is a prevalent problem but is only infrequently publicly discussed.
The United Nations (UN) does not define racism; however, it does define racial discrimination: According to the 1965 UN International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, ...the term racial discrimination shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction, or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin that has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life. Thailand has made two submissions to the Convention, with ongoing issues including government policy towards ethnic groups, especially the Thai Malays, and the country's lack of racial discrimination legislation.


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