Opposite of customer

  • What is opposite to client?

    Opposite of a customer, a buyer or receiver of goods or services. manager. marketer. owner. seller..

  • What is the opposite of a client?

    Opposite of a customer, a buyer or receiver of goods or services. manager. marketer. owner. seller..

  • What is the opposite of customer service?

    Is Customer Hindrance, and is defined as a company's ability to make it harder, more expensive and less rewarding for their customers to do business with them..

  • What is the word for a non customer?

    noun. non\xb7​cus\xb7​tom\xb7​er ˌnän-ˈkə-stə-mər. : a person who is not a customer. ….

  • Is Customer Hindrance, and is defined as a company's ability to make it harder, more expensive and less rewarding for their customers to do business with them.
  • Opposite of a customer, a buyer or receiver of goods or services. manager. marketer. owner. seller.
The opposite of a customer (one who buys the product) would be someone who sells the product. Therefore, it is a seller (one who sells the product).

What is the opposite of client?

Near Antonyms for client broker, merchant, seller, vendor

(also vender) shopkeeper, tradesman

black marketer

What is the opposite of customer?

Customer antonyms

Top antonyms for customer (opposite of customer) are tradesman, trafficker and salesperson

What is the synonym of customer?

Customer: a person who buys a product or uses a service from a business

Synonyms: account, client, guest… Find the right word

16 Customer antonyms. What are opposite words of Customer? Owner, manager, seller, vendor.Opposites of customer Antonyms for customer broker manager merchant owner seller vendor


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