Cybercrime landscape

  • What is cyber landscape?

    The term "Cyber Threat Landscape" describes the broad picture that represents potential cybersecurity risks and identified threats faced by individuals, organizations, and societies in the internet world.
    It covers the numerous risks, weaknesses, and actors that are present in the cybersecurity field..

  • What is cybercrime and legal landscape around the world?

    Cybercrime law includes laws related to computer crimes, internet crimes, information crimes, communications crimes, and technology crimes.
    While the internet and the digital economy represent a significant opportunity, they're also an enabler for criminal activity..

  • What is the most common area of cybercrime?

    Bulk phishing, smishing, and business e-mail compromise (BEC) are the most common types.
    In 2022, 85 percent of the surveyed worldwide organizations reported encountering bulk phishing attacks, while roughly three in four were targeted by smishing scams..

  • What is the nature of cybercrime?

    cybercrime, the use of a computer as an instrument to further illegal ends, such as committing fraud, trafficking in child pornography and intellectual property, stealing identities, or violating privacy..

  • What do the stats say?

    In Q3 2022, 22.3 million Russian internet users were the victims of a breach – the highest of any country.Following Russia, the countries with the highest breach rates during the same time period were France (13.8 million), Indonesia (13.2 million), the US (8.4 million) and Spain (3.9 million).
  • The threat landscape is the entirety of potential and identified cyberthreats affecting a particular sector, group of users, time period, and so forth.
Cyber crime is continually evolving, and it is becoming ever easier for cyber criminals to commit attacks. While advanced persistent threats (APTs) continue to 
Understand the latest cyber crime threats including statisics, reports, infographics and Green Papers from te most credible sources.

How does cybercrime affect your business?

The cost of cybercrime comes from damage done to data and property, stolen assets—including:

  1. intellectual property—and the disruption of business systems and productivity

As the internet continues to expand, opportunities for cybercrime expand too.
And the same applies to organizations.

Is cybercrime a macro problem?

Cybercrime is big and growing bigger.
As the threat landscape evolves and security perimeters expand, we aim to frame a macro problem on a micro scale.
To illuminate the top threats organizations face in a year, we have broken down a year’s cybercrime research by the minute.


What does cybercrime mean?

Introduction Cybercrime is a broad term used by government, businesses, and the general public to account for a variety of criminal activities and harmful behaviours involving the adoption of computers, the internet, or other forms of information communications technologies (ICTs) (Wall, 2007).


Where do cybercrimes come from?

Therefore, instead of capturing where cybercriminals reside in physical space, most studies using these technical data are measuring the possible locations where the cyberattacks or cybercrimes originate, even if part of them could be locations where cybercriminals choose to host their botnets or spam servers.


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