List of cyber crimes in world

  • 7 types of cybercrime

    As of July 2023, Malaysia reached the highest score on the National Cyber Security Index among countries in the Asia-Pacific region, 79.22 out of 100.
    In contrast, Myanmar received 10.39 index points, the lowest score across APAC..

  • 7 types of cybercrime

    In 2023, one of the cybersecurity trends is expected to be the increased focus on users as an attack surface.
    Cyber attackers will continue to target an organization's user base by using tactics like phishing, social engineering, and other methods to gain unauthorized access..

  • How many cyber attacks happen worldwide?

    How many cyber attacks per day on average? On average, around 30,000 websites are hacked every day globally out of which 43% are targeted at small businesses..

  • How many cyber attacks in 2023?

    According to our research, there were 114 publicly disclosed security incidents in October 2023, accounting for 867,072,315 compromised records, bringing the year's total to over 5 billion..

  • Types of cyber crime with example

    cybercrime, the use of a computer as an instrument to further illegal ends, such as committing fraud, trafficking in child pornography and intellectual property, stealing identities, or violating privacy..

  • Which country has most cyber crime?

    Global Cyber Crime Statistics:

    China (4852% amounting to 14,157,775 breached accounts)Japan (1423% amounting to 1,246,373 breached accounts)South Korea (1007% amounting to 1,669,124 breached accounts).

Computer crime encompasses a broad range of activities, including computer fraud, financial crimes, scams, cybersex trafficking, and ad-fraud.
  • Computer fraud.
  • Cyberterrorism.
  • Cyberextortion.
  • Ransomware.
  • Cybersex trafficking.
  • Cyberwarfare.
  • Computers as a tool.
  • Obscene or offensive content.
Here are another 9 types of cybercrimes:
  • Cyber Bullying. It is also known as online or internet bullying.
  • Cyber Stalking.
  • Software Piracy.
  • Social Media Frauds.
  • Online Drug Trafficking.
  • Electronic Money Laundering.
  • Cyber Extortion.
  • Intellectual-property Infringements.
What are the types of cybercrime?
  • Email and internet fraud.
  • Identity fraud (where personal information is stolen and used).
  • Theft of financial or card payment data.
  • Theft and sale of corporate data.
  • Cyberextortion (demanding money to prevent a threatened attack).
  • Ransomware attacks (a type of cyberextortion).


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