Cyber law explanation

What are cyber harassment laws?

b.Cyber-harassment is a crime of the fourth degree, unless the person is 21 years of age or older at the time of the offense and impersonates a minor for the purpose of cyber-harassing a minor, in which case it is a crime of the third degree. (2)a class or training program intended to bring awareness to the dangers associated with cyber-harassment.


What are the basic laws?

Basic Laws A set of laws adopted by the Israeli Knesset that were initially drafted in order to be part of an eventual constitution, which was never completed.
These laws, which have been adopted over six decades, have often been legally regarded as a substitute for the non-existing constitution, and cover various subjects such as:

  1. Jerusalem
  2. ownership of land
  3. the army
  4. the state economy
  5. the


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