Cytology cancer cat

  • How is cancer in cats diagnosed?

    The first key to cancer treatment for cats is proper diagnosis.
    At Viera East Veterinary Center, we begin with a full physical exam.
    We commonly look at blood work and when necessary employ the use of diagnostic imaging such as radiography or ultrasound..

  • What are the criteria for malignancy in veterinary cytology?

    Criteria for malignancy include the following: variation in cell size and shape, increased cell exfoliation, increased nuclear size, increased nucleus:cytoplasm ratio, variation in nuclear size and an increase in multinucleated cells, increased mitosis with abnormal mitotic figures, a coarse and often clumped chromatin .

  • What is a lump in a cat's cytology?

    In small animal cytology, “lumps and bumps” refer to lesions that manifest within the cutaneous and subcutaneous layers of the skin, resulting in raised, conspicuous masses.
    These masses may be neoplastic or nonneoplastic and generally fall into 1 or more recognized categories1-3: hyperplastic tissue..

  • Cytologically, SCC typically appears as round to irregularly shaped squamous cells that occur individually or in small clusters (Figure 6).
    The cytoplasm is usually pale to deep blue, with a “ground glass” appearance.
  • If there is inflammation, cytology can often identify the underlying cause.
    If the sample appears to be neoplastic, cytology can usually determine which type of tissue is involved and whether the neoplasm is malignant (cancerous) or benign.
Cytological examination of body cavity fluids and fine needle aspirates from masses can be very useful in the diagnosis of cancer. This article is a pictorial review of common tumour types that might arise in the feline patient.
Cytologic examination of cutaneous and subcutaneous tumors, especially epithelial and mast cell tumors, is often rewarding due to the relatively high cell yield on fine-needle aspiration or deep tissue scrapings. Fibrosarcomas may be poorly exfoliating and require incisional biopsy for diagnosis.
Cytological examination of body cavity fluids and fine needle aspirates from masses can be very useful in the diagnosis of cancer. This article is a pictorial 

Are feline cutaneous tumors neoplastic or malignant?

In a retrospective study of more than 9,000 feline cutaneous tumors, 6.6% were non-neoplastic and 93.4% were neoplastic, of which 52.7% were considered malignant.


Can mast cell tumors be graded on cytology?

Mast cell tumors cannot be graded on cytology; histopathology is required.
Aspiration of the draining lymph nodes may be beneficial to determine the potential behavior of the tumor.
See Table 3, page 16, for a list of cytologic characteristics.


What types of mammary tumors are common in cats?

Approximately 85% of feline mammary tumors are malignant, and are histologically classified as adenocarcinomas.
Sarcomas, mucinous carcinomas, duct papillomas, adenosquamous carcinomas, and adenomas are rarely seen.
The benign mammary gland dysplasias (lobular hyperplasia and fibroepithelial hyperplasia) are less common.


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Cytology is the study of the structure and function of cells
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Cytology is the microscopic study of tissues