Viral cytology

  • How is cytology test done?

    With a fine-needle aspiration, the doctor may be able to make a same-day diagnosis.
    Sometimes, however, the needle doesn't remove a sufficient amount of tissue for a definite diagnosis.
    Scrape or brush cytology: This procedure involves scraping or brushing some cells from the organ or tissue that's being tested..

  • What is cytological diagnostic method in virology?

    Cytologic examination for evidence of viral infection can be performed on smears prepared by applying a specimen directly to a microscope slide by scraping the base of skin or mucocutaneous lesions with a scalpel blade; on slides prepared by cytocentrifugation of fluids such as bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, May 31, 2017.

  • What is cytological examination of viral diagnosis?

    Cytological diagnosis offers a rapid and convenient method of detecting infection with these viruses which can be confirmed by conventional virological method while the patient is still in the acute stages of the disease..

  • Most viruses can be tested using molecular (polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and variants of PCR, loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP), rolling circle amplification for DNA viruses, etc.), biochemical (nucleic acid hybridization, dsRNA isolation), or immunological (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in
May 31, 2017Cell lysis and necrosis. Cytoplasms of the infected cells become thickened and without usual transparency because of coagulative necrosis 
May 31, 2017Dyskeratosis and koilocytes are classic cytological findings and can be considered as pathognomonic sign for HPV infection. A koilocyte is an 
Cytological diagnosis offers a rapid and convenient method of detecting infection with these viruses which can be confirmed by conventional virological method 

How are viral images quantified in virology?

The quantification and statistical analysis of viral images allow valid inferences to be made on virus entry and replication mechanisms

In virology, imaging observations are broadly quantified by measuring the relative fluorescent intensity of molecular probes

How can cytology be used to identify a virus?

CPEs, such as morphological changes, ballooning, syncytia formation, or inclusion bodies, can help to identify the virus identity

Infected cells can also be used for IFAs

Cytology and histology are the staining and microscopic examination of cell and tissue specimens, respectively

What is a viral assay & how does it work?

Several widely used and relatively fast assays make use of antibodies to identify the cause of a viral infection

“Immuno” is usually found in the name of the assay to indicate that it uses antibodies, which are produced by plasma cells of the immune system


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