Oocyte cytology

  • What is a normal oocyte morphology?

    An excellent oocyte morphology has a spherical structure, surrounded by a uniform pellucid zone, with a homogeneous and translucent cytoplasm, free of inclusions, and with an appropriately sized polar corpuscle (Alpha Scientists in Reproductive Medicine & ESHRE Special Interest Group of Embryology, 2011)..

  • What is an oocyte cell?

    An oocyte is an immature egg (an immature ovum).
    Oocytes develop to maturity from within a follicle.
    These follicles are found in the outside layer of the ovaries.
    During each reproductive cycle, several follicles begin to develop..

  • What is the cell cycle of an oocyte?

    After a luteinizing hormone surge, the oocyte undergoes meiotic maturation and produces a secondary oocyte that arrests at metaphase II (MII).
    During ovulation, the MII oocyte is released into the oviduct where on fertilization, meiosis is resumed and completed..

  • What is the difference between a follicle and an oocyte?

    A follicle contains an oocyte.
    An oocyte is an immature egg cell.
    The oocyte will eventually break free from the follicle and travel down the fallopian tube – at which point it's called an egg (or ovum, if you're that way inclined)..

  • What is the function of the oocytes?

    Oocyte Function
    An oocytes function in reproductive biology is to fuse with sperm after fertilization, transform into an embryo, then a blastocyst, and undergo a process called implantation where it attaches to the wall of the uterus.
    Once implantation occurs, the blastocyst becomes a developing fetus..

  • What is the mechanism of oocyte maturation?

    Oocytes within the ovary are arrested in prophase I of meiosis until the gonadotropins, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH), stimulate follicular growth and development, which then triggers the resumption of meiosis up to metaphase II..

  • What is the process of oocytes?

    An oocyte is produced in a female fetus in the ovary during female gametogenesis.
    The female germ cells produce a primordial germ cell (PGC), which then undergoes mitosis, forming oogonia.
    During oogenesis, the oogonia become primary oocytes..

  • A developing egg is called an oocyte.
    Its differentiation into a mature egg (or ovum) involves a series of changes whose timing is geared to the steps of meiosis in which the germ cells go through their two final, highly specialized divisions.
  • Egg cells, also known as Ova (singular = Ovum), are the female gamete which are produced in the ovary of a female.
    An oocyte, which is an immature female egg cell, matures completely during the menstrual cycle, becoming an ovum.
    Others partially mature and then disintegrate.
  • The oocyte has the basic cell organelles such as mitochondria, lysosomes, two types of smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER)-vesicular and tubular aggregates, multivesicular residual bodies, lipofuschin, microfilaments and microtubules.
    Golgi, RER and ribosomes are very rare and the egg has no yolk.
A broad survey of the cytologic features of follicular oocytes from sections of adult ovaries from donors with normal menstrual cycles, from patients with 


Oocytes are rich in cytoplasm, which contains yolk granules to nourish the cell early in development

Maternal contributions

Because the fate of an oocyte is to become fertilized and ultimately grow into a fully functioning organism

Prophase I arrest

Female mammals and birds are born possessing all the oocytes needed for future ovulations

Paternal contributions

The spermatozoon that fertilizes an oocyte will contribute its pronucleus, the other half of the zygotic genome. In some species


• Nondisjunction—a failure of proper homolog separation in meiosis I, or sister chromatid separation in meiosis II can lead to aneuploidy

Immature ovum or egg cell

An oocyte, oöcyte, or ovocyte is a female gametocyte or germ cell involved in reproduction.
In other words, it is an immature ovum, or egg cell.
An oocyte is produced in a female fetus in the ovary during female gametogenesis.
The female germ cells produce a primordial germ cell (PGC), which then undergoes mitosis, forming oogonia.
During oogenesis, the oogonia become primary oocytes.
An oocyte is a form of genetic material that can be collected for cryoconservation.


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