Czech language b1 test

  • What Czech words are used in English?

    Just occasionally, other languages have words borrowed from Czech.
    Some of the ones in English are pistol (which we've used since 1570), camellia (since 1753), polka (since 1844), and robot (since 1923).
    And of course Semtex (since 1985)..

  • What is the B1 level of Czech language?

    I can understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc.
    I can understand the main point of many radio or TV programmes on current affairs or topics of personal or professional interest when the delivery is relatively slow and clear..

  • A1 (1500 words)
    On this level you can understand basic sentences and keywords.
    Also, identify a topic of the conversation and read short expressions.
    This level is required for a basic communication.
    If you can briefly introduce yourself, ask for directions on the street or read some advertisements – your level is A1 .
  • Yes it is hard if you are a native English speaker, Czech is a hard language to learn if you aren't familiar with or fluent in another Slavic language.
    It has complex grammar rules, numerous noun declensions, and can be challenging for English-speakers to pronounce.
Czech Language Exam – Sample Test. Try out the Czech Language Exam! Sample Czech Language Exam (B1)Sample Czech Language Exam – Listening Comprehension (B1).

How to prepare for the Czech language exam?

By taking the Czech Language Exam for the purposes of granting citizenship of the CR MOCK TEST Other things that may also help you prepare for the exam are the available textbooks (level B1), the leaflet 10 tips how to succeed in WRITING or Beware of the most common mistakes, or the document Manual for Preparation for the Subtest Writing

What is a B1 language exam?

The exam is intended for all foreigners who are applying for Czech citizenship and need to document their Czech communications skills at the required B1 language proficiency level under the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)

Exam Parts The exam comprises a written part and an oral part

Who determines the level of knowledge of Czech language?

The exact level of knowledge of Czech is not determined ( Act No

563/2004 Coll

, On pedagogical staff ), it is usually decided by the employer (i

e the school principal) civil servants: The CCE–B2 a CCE–C1 exam is recognised for demonstrating Czech language skills among civil servants who are applying for employment


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