Czech language phrases

  • What are cute phrases in Czech?

    Kiss me.Dej mi pusu. (innocent, casual) / Polib mě. (romantic)I miss you.Chyb\xedš mi. / St\xfdsk\xe1 se mi po tobě.I can't wait to see you again.Nemůžu se dočkat, až tě zase uvid\xedm.You're my sweetheart.Jsi můj mil\xe1ček..

  • What script does Czech use?

    Unlike Russian, Ukrainian and Bulgarian, which use versions of the Greek-based Cyrillic alphabet, Czech uses a modified Latin alphabet with a few diacriticals (accent marks): the h\xe1ček (ˇ), č\xe1rka (\xb4) and kroužek (\xb0)..

Is Czech a grammatical language?

Czech belongs to the “synthetic” language group, which means that unlike English and other “analytical” languages, different grammatical aspects are expressed in one word by changing the structure of that word by adding a suffix or prefix, modifying the core of the word

Why should you learn Czech language?

But before you take a stroll into the breathtaking stretches of old villages, churches, and palaces, one of the things that you should consider learning is the Czech language phrases that can be used for establishing a connection like no other

Here are 10 essential phrases. Loved by over 40s Thank you Dekuji (dye-ku-yi) = Thanks Czechs say “thank you” a lot, so this is one word you’ll hear constantly. Please, here you go (and much more!) Prosím (pro-seem) = no exact translation / see below

Czech Basic Phrases. Learning a few Czech words and phrases will not only make your stay in Prague easier but it will always delight the locals, who will be pleased at your efforts and admire your trying. Hello – Dobry den – (dobreh den) Good morning – Dobre rano – (dobreh rahno) Good evening – Dobry vecer – (dobreh vehcher)

40 Czech Phrases for Beginners You Should Know

  • 1. Don’t be Whatsername: Czech Greetings and Introductions One word of wisdom from a native: Czechs don’t ask a lot of questions. ...

Basic Czech Phrases

  • Greetings
  • Please and Thank you
  • Language
  • Social Phrases
  • Directions
More items,You can find natives who speak the Czech’s language throughout Europe in Austria, Poland, Germany, Ukraine, Croatia

Group of (one or more) words

In grammar, a phrase—called expression in some contexts—is a group of words or singular word acting as a grammatical unit.
For instance, the English expression the very happy squirrel is a noun phrase which contains the adjective phrase very happy.
Phrases can consist of a single word or a complete sentence.
In theoretical linguistics, phrases are often analyzed as units of syntactic structure such as a constituent.


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Czech language phonology
Czech language past tense
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Czech language paragraph
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Czech language prepositions
Czech language quote
Czech and polish language similarities
Czech language roots
Czech language revival
Czech language reddit
Czech language resources
Czech language rules
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