Czech language symbols

  • What are the symbols in the Czech alphabet?

    The order of the Czech letters is: a, \xe1, b, c, č, d, ď, e, é, ě, f, g, h, ch, i, \xed, j, k, l, m, n, ň, o, \xf3, p, (q), r, ř, s, š, t, ť, u, \xfa, ů, v, (w), (x), y, \xfd, z, ž. (The letters in the parentheses, i.e. q, w and x, are used in foreign words only.).

  • What is the Unicode for Czech language?

    Unicode blocks 0000-00.

    1. F ("Basic Latin"), 0080-0
    2. FF ("Latin-1 Supplement"), and 0100-01
    3. F ("Latin Extended-A") contain all the characters necessary in written Czech.
    4. Additionally, block 0300-03.
    5. F contain combining diacritics that can be used with the basic latin alphabet produce the correct characters

  • G is not a common letter and is usually used in foreign words.
    It is pronounced as in English good or pig.
    Unlike many other European languages, Czech H is stronger (like English hello).
    I is always pronounced as in English ingredient or dictionary.
  • Type Czech characters - online Czech keyboard.
    Press Alt with the appropriate letter.
    For example, to type š, press Alt + S ; to type é or ĕ, hold Alt and press E once or twice.
    Stop the mouse over each button to learn its keyboard shortcut.
The letters Q, W, and X are used exclusively in foreign words, and the former two are respectively replaced with KV and V once the word becomes "naturalized" (  AlphabetOrthographic principlesPunctuationHistory
The order of the Czech letters is: a, á, b, c, č, d, ď, e, é, ě, f, g, h, ch, i, í, j, k, l, m, n, ň, o, ó, p, (q), r, ř, s, š, t, ť, u, ú, ů, v, (w), (x), y, ý, z, ž.

What are the national symbols of the Czech Republic?

Article 14 of the Constitution of the Czech Republic lists national symbols: the coat of arms, the official colours (including white, red and blue, also Pan-Slavic colors ), the national flag, the flag of the president, the official seal and the national anthem

Act No

3/1993 refers to the national symbols and their usage

What is Czech Sign Language?

Czech Sign Language is the sign language of the deaf community in the Czech Republic

It presumably emerged around the time of the first deaf school in Bohemia (1786)

It belongs to the French sign-language family and is partially intelligible with French sign language

×The Czech alphabet has 42 letters, 15 of which require an extra symbol above the letter. The three special symbols that can be found on the keyboard are acute, caron, and ring. The acute symbol can be placed above all vowels (a, e, i, o, u, y). The ring symbol is only used for the letter ů. The caron symbol is used for eight letters and is linguistically called a caron. The letter Ř and CH are also special characters in the Czech language.,The Czech alphabet has 42 letters out of which 15 need an extra symbol above the letter. You can read detailed information about Special characters in our pronunciation course. There are three special symbols which can found on the keyboard. The official terms for them are acute, caron and ring.

Special characters

  • Acute aka comma (čárka) All vowels (a, e, i, o, u, y) can have a comma above the letter. ...
  • Ring (kroužek) The only letter which has a ring is ů. ...
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Czech language symbols
Czech language symbols

National coat of arms of the Czech Republic

The coat of arms of the Czech Republic is divided into two principal variants.
Greater coat of arms displays the three historical regions—the Czech lands—which make up the nation.
Lesser coat of arms displays lone silver double-tailed lion in red shield.
The current coats of arms, which was adopted in 1992, was designed by Czech heraldist Jiří Louda.
A currency symbol or currency sign is a graphic

A currency symbol or currency sign is a graphic

Symbol used to represent a monetary currency's name

A currency symbol or currency sign is a graphic symbol used to denote a currency unit.
Usually it is defined by a monetary authority, such as the national central bank for the currency concerned.
Esperanto symbols

Esperanto symbols

Symbols of the Esperanto language

Esperanto symbols, primarily the Esperanto flag, have seen much consistency over the time of the language's existence, though a few variations in exact flag patterning and symbology exist.
The national symbols of the Czech Republic are

The national symbols of the Czech Republic are

The national symbols of the Czech Republic are flags, heraldry, cultural expressions and other symbols that represent the Czech Republic, Czech people and their history, culture and nationhood.
There are six official symbols which are declared in the Constitution of the Czech Republic.
However many other historical, cultural and geographical symbols of the Czech republic and Czech people do exist.
Variable symbol is an identifier widely used for domestic payments in Slovakia and Czech Republic.
Its maximum length is 10 characters and consists only of digits.


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