Czech accent

  • Does Czech use W?

    The Czech alphabet uses several letters in addition to the 26 letters used in the English alphabet.
    These are \xe1, č, ď, é, ě, \xed, ň, \xf3, ř, š, ť, \xfa, ů, \xfd, ž.
    The letter combination ch is also considered a single letter and is alphabetized after h.
    Letters q, w, x are used only in words of foreign origin.Jul 28, 2023.

  • Does Czech use W?

    The Czech alphabet uses several letters in addition to the 26 letters used in the English alphabet.
    These are \xe1, č, ď, é, ě, \xed, ň, \xf3, ř, š, ť, \xfa, ů, \xfd, ž.
    The letter combination ch is also considered a single letter and is alphabetized after h.
    Letters q, w, x are used only in words of foreign origin..

  • What are the accents in Czech?

    Vowels with an accent (\xfd, \xed, \xe1, é, \xfa) or a small circle (ů) are lengthened, while accents above other consonants and vowels (š, č, ň, ř, ž, ě) soften the sound.
    For example, š is pronounced “sh” (as in shoulder), č is “ch” (as in cheese) and ň is “n-ye” (as in onion)..

  • The kroužek is used only with "U" in Czech.
    It is actually the same sound as a "U" with a čarka.
    The difference is that the ů is used inside words, while \xda / \xfa is used at the start of words.
    I've put together the following table from a bunch of resources I found and conglomerated into one place.Oct 14, 2007
  • \xda/\xfa is a variant of U carrying an acute accent; it represents an /u/ carrying the tonic accent.
    It is used only if it is the last letter of the word except in dictionaries.


Czech orthography is a system of rules for proper formal writing ( orthography) in Czech

Orthographic principles

Czech orthography is primarily phonemic (rather than phonetic) because an individual grapheme usually corresponds to an individual


The use of the full stop (.), the colon (:), the semicolon (;), the question mark (

Capital letters

The first word of every sentence and all proper names are capitalized


In the 9th century, the Glagolitic script was used, during the 11th century it was replaced by Latin script


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