Dance basanti

How long is Dance Basanti?

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Dance Basanti is a Hindi language song and is sung by Sachin-Jigar, Vishal Dadlani and Anushka Manchanda

Dance Basanti, from the album Ungli (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack), was released in the year 2014

The duration of the song is 3:43

Download Hindi songs online from JioSaavn

Is Dance Basanti a Hindi song?

Dance Basanti is a Hindi language song and is sung by Sachin-Jigar, Vishal Dadlani and Anushka Manchanda

Dance Basanti, from the album Ungli (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack), was released in the year 2014

The duration of the song is 3:43 Download Hindi songs online from JioSaavn

When was Dance Basanti released?

What is Basanti?

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Dance basanti
Dance basanti

First woman 'jagar' singer of Uttarakhand

Basanti Bisht
is a well known folk singer of Uttarakhand, famous for being the first woman singer of the Jagar folk-form of Uttarakhand.
The Jagar form of singing is a way of invoking deities, which is traditionally done by men but, Basanti Bisht broke the practice and today is a well-known voice, and is trying to preserve this traditional form of singing.
Basanti Bisht was awarded the Padma Shri in 2017.
Hindi dance music encompasses a wide range of songs predominantly featured in the Hindi cinema with a growing worldwide attraction.
The music became popular among overseas Indians in places such as South Africa, Mauritius, Fiji, the Caribbean, Canada, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and the United States of America and eventually developed a global fan base.
Rang De Basanti (soundtrack)

Rang De Basanti (soundtrack)

2005 soundtrack album by A. R. Rahman

The soundtrack to the 2006 film Rang De Basanti was released by Sony Music Entertainment on 8 December 2005 and had its music composed by A.
Rahman and lyrics in Hindi and English by Prasoon Joshi and rapper Blaaze.
The title track was used at a flash mob at Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus in Mumbai on 27 November 2011 in honour of those who died in the 26/11 attack.


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