Dance past simple

  • How do you conjugate dance?

    “Does she dance?” is the correct answer.
    Apart from being grammatically incorrect, “Does she dances” also does not sound very conforming..

  • What is dance in simple future tense?

    Answer and Explanation:
    The future tense of "dance" is "will/shall dance." Examples: I will dance until I cannot dance anymore..

  • What is dance in simple present tense?

    Idanceyoudancehe, she, itdanceswedance.

  • What is simple past tense?

    Definition of Simple Past Tense
    The Collins Dictionary defines the 'simple past tense' as “a tense used to refer to the past.” The Macmillan Dictionary defines the simple past tense as “the tense used to talk about habitual actions, behaviour, or situations that happened or existed before now.”.

  • What is the simple past tense of she dances well?

    Full conjugation of "to dance"

    1. Present.
    2. I. dance. dance.
    3. Present continuous.
    4. I. am dancing. are dancing.
    5. Simple past.
    6. I. danced. danced.
    7. Past continuous.
    8. I. was dancing. were dancing.
    9. Present perfect.
    10. I. have danced.
    11. Present perfect continuous.
    12. I. have been dancing.
    13. Past perfect.
    14. I. had danced.
    15. Past perfect continuous.
    16. I. had been dancing.

  • What is the simple present of dance?

    Idanceyoudancehe, she, itdanceswedance.

  • What is the verb of dance?

    Full conjugation of "to dance"

    1. Present.
    2. I. dance. dance.
    3. Present continuous.
    4. I. am dancing. are dancing.
    5. Simple past.
    6. I. danced. danced.
    7. Past continuous.
    8. I. was dancing. were dancing.
    9. Present perfect.
    10. I. have danced.
    11. Present perfect continuous.
    12. I. have been dancing.
    13. Past perfect.
    14. I. had danced.
    15. Past perfect continuous.
    16. I. had been dancing.

  • What is the verb of dance?

    Answer: "She danced very well" is a sentence in simple past tense..

Past (simple)
  • I danced.
  • you danced.
  • he danced.
  • we danced.
  • you danced.
  • they danced.

Season of television series

The first season of America's Best Dance Crew premiered on February 7, 2008.
The season, hosted by Mario Lopez, featured a judging panel consisting of Lil Mama, JC Chasez, and Shane Sparks.
In the live finale, which aired on March 27, 2008, JabbaWockeeZ was declared the winner.


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Dance past continuous tense
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Dance past perfect tense
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Dance past perfect
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