Mbakumba dance

  • What do you wear to the Mbakumba dance?

    Dancers, both man and women dress up in skirt like attire.
    They use different props depending on the function and context of the performance.
    As a Karanga specialty, mbakumba dancers also attach leg rattles to their shins..

  • What is Mbakumba dance for?

    The Mbakumba dance is a polyrhythmic dance that is traditionally performed after harvest and is still used today for entertainment.
    Mbende Jerusarema dance.
    The Jerusarema dance and the Muchongoyo dance are two of the most important, distinctive dances in Zimbabwe, and are both accompanied by drums..

  • What is the purpose of Mbende dance?

    It is believed that Jerusarema/Mbende began as a military dance, fertility dance, hunting dance, and death dance.
    This demonstrates that the Zezuru community used Jerusarema dancing for ritual purposes..

  • What is the traditional dance of Zimbabwe?

    There are about 12 prominent traditional dances in Zimbabwe, namely Shangara, Mbira dance, Dinhe, Mbakumba, Muchongoyo, Jerusarema, Mhande, Isitschikitsha, Amabhiza, Ingquza, Chinyobera and Ngungu.
    The Jerusarema dance and the Muchongoyo are widely regarded as the most important and distinctive dances of Zimbabwe..

  • Amabhiza is a Kalanga tribal dance, this dance originated in Matabeleland South Province of Zimbabwe.
    This dance was performed during rain asking ceremonies to appease the spirits of the rainmakers for a good harvest.
  • Mhande dance is a spiritual manifestation of Karanga culture, embodying an "embodied practice." Its purpose is to convey cultural knowledge that might be less accessible through conventional means.
  • There are often eight males and eight females in it.
    Six male dancers make up the front row, two men play the drums in the middle, and women make up the rear row.
    A lead guy known as chikopo performs a solo introductory act known as Mungeneso to introduce the dance.
    He gives instructions for the act by whistling.
Jul 3, 2020A Polyrhythmic dance, danced to celebrate a bumper harvest as well for entertainment (eg
Duration: 6:12
Posted: Jul 3, 2020
Nov 5, 2021Tariro's traditional music and dance group Ngoma YeKwedu rehearses mbakumba drumming
Duration: 10:16
Posted: Nov 5, 2021
The Mbakumba dance is a polyrhythmic dance that is traditionally performed after harvest and is still used today for entertainment.


The Republic of Zimbabwe has a population that is about 16 million people; the majority, about 76%, live in rural areas

Music yaTakudzwa

The three distinctive instruments of Zimbabwe include drums (ngomas), the mbira, (hosho) and the marimba. Different sizes, shapes

Character and Purpose

Dances may be performed for enjoyment or entertainment, during many rituals including spirit possession, to re-create history, as an art form

Traditional dance : Asante Welsh,(1985)

Traditional dance in Zimbabwe is constantly changing

See also

• African dance• Weapon dance• Music of Africa • Shona

Zimbabwean dances are communal and largely performed in the rural areas, where about 75% of Zimbabwes population lives


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