Dance aerobics definition

  • What is aerobic dance summary?

    Aerobic dance is an exercise that involves the use of large muscle groups with the fun of dancing.
    It combines fat burning aerobic movements, muscle building exercises and stretching into routines that are performed with the use of music..

  • What is aerobics best defined as?

    Aerobics is a form of exercise which increases the amount of oxygen in your blood, and strengthens your heart and lungs.
    The verb that follows aerobics may be either singular or plural..

  • What is the definition and meaning of aerobics?

    aer\xb7​o\xb7​bics -biks.
    1singular or plural in construction : a system of physical conditioning involving exercises (as running, walking, swimming, or calisthenics) strenuously performed so as to cause marked temporary increase in respiration and heart rate.
    2: aerobic exercises..

  • What is the meaning of dance exercise?

    Dancing exercise involves plenty of movement that's as fast and breathless as you want it to be.
    That means you get to burn calories, work on flexibility and get a cardiovascular workout..

  • Aerobic dance is an exercise that involves the use of large muscle groups with the fun of dancing.
    It combines fat burning aerobic movements, muscle building exercises and stretching into routines that are performed with the use of music.
a system of exercises combining aerobics with dance steps and usually done to music.
An aerobic dance session includes a warm-up stretch followed by dancing to music, usually at a fast pace. Some of the workout regimens are geared to high impact cardiovascular workout. It's a good idea to see a podiatrist specializing in sports medicine before beginning an aerobics regimen.


Selon la définition donnée en 1981 par le Petit Robert, l'aérobic, nom féminin


Le terme aérobic (de l'anglais aerobics) fait son apparition en France en 1979 et se médiatise à partir de 1980 grâce à l'émission télévisée Gym Tonic animée par

Bienfaits et dangers

Les bienfaits sont d'ordre musculaire, articulaire, cardiaque, pulmonaire


Il existe deux formats de compétition d'aérobic :


La chanson L'Apérobic était une parodie de l'aérobic, faite par Les Charlots, avec notamment Gérard Rinaldi


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