Data collection overview youtube

  • Data collection methods

    This includes information like your usage data and preferences, Gmail messages, G+ profile, photos, videos, browsing history, map searches, docs, or other Google-hosted content..

  • How does YouTube collect data?

    We also collect the content you create, upload, or receive from others when using our services.
    This includes things like email you write and receive, photos and videos you save, docs and spreadsheets you create, and comments you make on YouTube videos..

  • What data is collected on Youtube?

    The activity information we collect may include:

    Terms you search for.Videos you watch.Views and interactions with content and ads.Voice and audio information.Purchase activity.People with whom you communicate or share content.Activity on third-party sites and apps that use our services..

  • What is data collection overview?

    Data collection is the process of collecting, measuring, and analyzing data from various sources to gain insights.
    Data can be collected through various sources, such as social media monitoring, online tracking, surveys, feedback, etc..

  • What kind of data is YouTube collecting?

    We also collect the content you create, upload, or receive from others when using our services.
    This includes things like email you write and receive, photos and videos you save, docs and spreadsheets you create, and comments you make on YouTube videos..

Apr 4, 2022Where I can get raw data the questions and answers so I can practice to do cleaning, reformat
Duration: 2:18
Posted: Apr 4, 2022


Data collection overhead
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Data acquisition performance characteristics
Data acquisition performed
Data acquisition perspective
Data acquisition period
Periscope data acquisition
Peripheral data acquisition
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