Basic data acquisition using labview

Feb 12, 2012This video tutorial shows how to take basic data acquisition measurements using LabView and
Duration: 10:17
Posted: Feb 12, 2012

Basic LabVIEW Vi

Once the LabVIEW application is launched, by default two blank windows open simultaneously–a Front Paneland a Block Diagramwindow–and a VI is created: VIs are the heart and soul of LabVIEW.
They are what separate LabVIEW from all other text-based development environments. In LabVIEW, everything is an object which is represented graphically.
A VI ma.


Example 1 – Counter with A Gauge

This is a fairly simple program with simple user interaction.
Once the program has been launched, it uses a while loop to wait for the user input.
This is a typical behavior of almost any user-friendly program.
For example, if the user launches Microsoft Office, the program launches and waits for the user to pick a menu item, click on a button, or .


Installing LabVIEW

Installation of LabVIEW is very simple and it is just as routine as any modern-day program installation; that is, insert the DVD 1 and follow the onscreen guided installation steps.
LabVIEW comes in one DVD for the Mac and Linux versions but in four or more DVDs for the Windows edition (depending on additional software, different licensing, and add.


Introduction to LabVIEW

LabVIEW is a graphical developing and testing environment unlike any other test and development tool available in the industry.
LabVIEW sets itself apart from traditional programming environments by its completely graphical approach to programming.
As an example, while representation of a while loop in a text-based language such as C consists of se.


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