Arduino data acquisition sampling rate

  • What is the sampling rate of a data acquisition system?

    One of the most important specifications of a DAQ device is the sampling rate, which is the speed at which the DAQ device's ADC takes samples of a signal.
    Typical sampling rates are either hardware- or software-timed and are up to rates of 2 MS/s..

  • What is the sampling rate of Arduino data?

    The usual Atmega328 based Arduino board has a 10-bit ADC and is limited to about 15k samples per second..

  • What is the sampling rate of Arduino due?

    2: It says that Arduino Due can take .

    1. M sample per seconds.
    2. Of course, this is an ideal figure.

  • The Arduino has been used to implement the data acquisition and to interface both analog and digital sensors [10].
  • The sample rate of the Arduino program can be determined by using the millis() function to get the millisecond time and save it.
    Next time through the loop, get the millis() time and subtract from the first. there you have the time in milliseconds for each sample.
Jan 14, 2014Collect a bunch of samples in an array first, then print the results or send data to the SD card after you've analyzed them.
I learned that the maximum sampling frequency of Arduino ADC ( e.g. Due) is 1M sample per second. However, as Arduino ADC has a 12-bit resolution so I can use an external ADC with a 16-bit for higher resolution.

Can Arduino be used for data acquisition?

While data acquisition schemes using Arduinos have been reported for other instruments, (11-13) this setup utilizes open-source software written in Python to enable easy, low-cost data acquisition compatible with any PC or Mac.


What is the data acquisition rate of the ADC breakout board?

The data are output as a tab-delimited text file and can easily be replotted and analyzed in any spreadsheet or graphing program.
Although data acquisition rates up to 860 Hz are possible with the ADC breakout board, the maximum rate was limited to 500 Hz in the software to ensure stable data acquisition over time.


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