Live data acquisition matlab

Create an App for Live Data Acquisition
  • Discover available DAQ devices and select which device to use.
  • Configure device acquisition parameters.
  • Display a live plot in the app UI during acquisition.
  • Save acquired data to a MAT-file by writing to an intermediate binary file during acquisition.
This example shows how to create an app which acquires data from a DAQ device or sound card, displays a live data view, and logs data to a MAT-file.

How do I acquire data from a device while MATLAB is running?

Acquire data from a device while MATLAB continues to run.
Program a DataAcquisition for ADALM1000 input and output.
Use the Analog Input Recorder app to visualize and record analog input signals.
This example shows how to acquire data from multiple channels, and from multiple devices on the same chassis.


How do I Save acquired data to a mat-file?

Save acquired data to a MAT-file by writing to an intermediate binary file during acquisition.
By default, the app will open in design mode in App Designer.
To run the app click Run or execute the app from the command line:

  1. MATLAB® R2020a or later

Data Acquisition Toolbox™.
Corresponding hardware support package for your device vendor.

Is real-time video aquisition and processing possible in MATLAB?

So to answer the question, yes, (soft) real-time video aquisition and processing is possible in Matlab, although you will quickly run into the need for external interfacing when you realize how ineffeciently implemented many functions of the toolboxes are (such as:

  1. image processing toolbox)

Live Data Input

The input signal is acquired from a National Instruments data acquisition device (USB-6211).
Signal is acquired from channel ai0 at the rate of 8000 samples/second.
The Analog Input block is configured to do synchronous acquisition, which does blocking read from the device and at each timestep it acquires a chunk of 1600 samples from the hardware. .


Signal Processing

The acquired data is processed using a discrete filter.
The discrete filter uses pre-computed coefficients to implement a bandpass filter with a bandwidth of 50Hz around 100Hz and an attenuation of 60dB elsewhere, for input signals sampled at 8kHz.
To design digital filters, to select specific implementation structures, use blocks from the "Filteri.


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