Data acquisition bone

Representative slices of STE data acquisition and bone extraction. (A) STE images. (B) LTE images. (C) Bone extraction based on subtracting 2 STE and LTE 
The conversion of a CT scan dataset in an accurate and manageable three dimensional model is a basic procedure in almost every branch of computational.
The current study generated a number of quantifiable findings related to the use of virtual models to analyse human skeletal remains. 20 linear measurements on 

Bone Tissue Data Acquisition

Sample Preparation


Can MRI assess bone quality and fracture risk in vivo?

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) assessment of bone structure and microarchitecture has been proposed as another method to assess bone quality and fracture risk in vivo.
MRI is advantageous because it is noninvasive, does not require ionizing radiation and can evaluate both cortical and trabecular bone.


Data-Driven Numerical Implementation

The implementation of the data-driven methodology proceeds by searching for the closest stress–strain pair, i.e. \\(\\left( {\\varvec{\\sigma}},{\\varvec{\\varepsilon} }\\right)\\), in the dataset \\(D\\equiv \\left( {\\varvec{\\sigma} },{\\varvec{\\varepsilon} }\\right) _D\\), constrained to the equilibrium and compatibility equations.
This may be written as follo.


Do Mr estimates of bone strength provide additional sensitivity to microarchitectural measurements?

Trabecular number, thickness, and bone volume fraction did not show any significant changes over 6 months, raising the possibility that MR estimates of bone strength might provide additional sensitivity for monitoring longitudinal changes compared to microarchitectural measures themself.


Does data binning and frame averaging affect morphometric outcome of bone repair assessment?

Despite the current advances in micro-CT analysis, the influence of some image acquisition parameters on the morphometric assessment outcome have not been fully elucidated.
The aim of this study was to determine whether data binning and frame averaging affect the morphometric outcome of bone repair assessment using micro-CT.


Why is bone microarchitecture important in osteoporosis?

Bone microarchitecture is an important contributor to bone strength independent of bone mass ( 21 ), and in the setting of osteoporosis, bone microarchitecture deteriorates, contributing to bone fragility ( 22, 23 ).


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