Statistical methods class 11

  • Applications of statistics in different fields

    In statistics, classification is the problem of identifying which of a set of categories (sub-populations) an observation (or observations) belongs to..

  • How do we collect data in statistics class 11?

    Primary Data Collection Methods

    1. Direct personal Interviews
    2. Indirect Personal Interviews
    3. Data collection through Questionnaire
    4. Data collection through Enumerators
    5. Data collection through Local Sources

  • What are the 4 types of statistics?

    The data is classified into majorly four categories:

    Nominal data.Ordinal data.Discrete data.Continuous data..

  • What are the statistical methods class 11?

    Measures of Central TendencyMean, Median, ModeCorrelationKarl's Pearson method, meaning etc.Measures of DispersionStandard deviation, range, quartile deviation etc.Introduction to Index NumbersUse of index numbers..

  • The stages of the Statistical Study are:

    Collection of Data.Organisation of Data.Presentation of Data.Analysis of Data.Interpretation of Data.
  • In statistics, classification is the problem of identifying which of a set of categories (sub-populations) an observation (or observations) belongs to.
Feb 25, 2020Statistical methods refers to general principles and techniques which are commonly used in the collection, analysis, and interpretation of 
In applied mathematics, statistics is a branch that deals with the collection, organization and interpretation of data. It is similar to the study of the 

What are NCERT solutions for Class 11 Maths?

The solutions help with inquiries that a student has on the questions asked in the exam.
The BYJU’S subject specialists who have written the NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Maths, according to the latest CBSE Syllabus 2023-24, have in-depth knowledge about the question paper setting and the marks distributed across the chapters.


What are the concepts covered in Chapter 15 of Class 11 statistics?

The concepts covered in this chapter 15 of Class 11 Statistics are:

  1. Let’s have a look at the brief explanation of all these concepts with examples given below:
  2. A measure of central tendency gives us a rough idea of wherever data points are centred

What are the two types of Statistics?

The two types of statistics are:

  1. Descriptive and inferential

What is the use of statistics in real life.
Statistics play an important role in real life, especially in large industries, where data is computed in bulk.
It helps to collect, analyse and interpret the data.

What is the importance of Statistics in Class 11?

In statistics class 11, the importance of statistics in studying the measures of dispersion and the methods of calculating the grouped and ungrouped data has been explained.
In applied mathematics, statistics is a branch that deals with the collection, organization and interpretation of data.


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