Statistical analysis kaggle

  • How do I do statistical analysis?

    On Kaggle you'll find all the resources and knowledge needed for your next real-world ML project. 26.

    1. K high-quality public datasets.
    2. Everything from avocado prices to video game sales. 89.
    3. K public notebooks and access to a powerful notebook environment with no cost GPUs & TPUs

  • How do you use kaggle for data analysis?

    The five basic methods are mean, standard deviation, regression, hypothesis testing, and sample size determination.
    It is widely used by governments, businesses, banking entities, insurance companies, etc..

  • What do you mean by statistical analysis?

    Statistical analysis is the process of collecting and analyzing large volumes of data in order to identify trends and develop valuable insights.
    In the professional world, statistical analysts take raw data and find correlations between variables to reveal patterns and trends to relevant stakeholders..

  • A subsidiary of Google, it is an online community of data scientists and machine learning engineers.
    Kaggle allows users to find datasets they want to use in building AI models, publish datasets, work with other data scientists and machine learning engineers, and enter competitions to solve data science challenges.
Data sampling is a statistical analysis technique used to select, manipulate and analyze a representative subset of data points to identify patterns and trends 

How can Kaggle help you create a good exploratory data analysis project?

This dataset on kaggle has tv shows and movies available on Netflix.
One can create a good quality Exploratory Data Analysis project using this dataset.
Using this dataset, one can find out:

  1. what type of content is produced in which country
  2. identify similar content from the description
  3. much more interesting tasks

What datasets are available on Kaggle?

The Boston Housing dataset is another popular dataset on Kaggle.
This dataset contains information about housing in the city of Boston.
It has over 200,000 records and 18 variables.
The goal of this dataset is to predict whether or not a house price is expensive.
The dataset has three different classes (Expensive, Normal, and Cheap).


What is a Kaggle notebook?

There is a lot one can do using them.
And the best thing about Kaggle Notebooks is that:

  1. the user doesn’t need to install Python or R on their computer to use it

Almost all major libraries can be directly imported.
Kaggle also provides TPUs for free.
Tensor Processing Units (TPUs) are hardware accelerators specialized in deep learning tasks.

What is a Kaggle profile?

Just like how your HackerEarth or Code Chef profile shows your competitive coding skills, your kaggle profile serves as a way to express your Data Science skills.
To build a good kaggle profile, one needs to work on the data and build high-quality Python or R notebooks in the form of projects and tell a tale through the data.


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