Statistical analysis radioactivity

  • How do you measure radioactivity?

    The amount of radioactivity is reported in Becquerel (Bq), which is the international unit, or the Curie (Ci), which is the unit used in the United States.
    Geiger counters are commonly used to measure the amount of radioactivity, but there are other types of detectors that may be used..

  • What are the analytical techniques for radioactivity?

    Ever since the discovery of radioactivity, several techniques such as neutron activation analysis (NAA), isotope dilution analysis (IDA), radiometric titration (RT), radiochromatography (RC), radioimmunoassay (RIA), etc have been developed during last few decades.
    Out of all these methods, NAA is the most common..

  • What are the methods of measuring radioactivity?

    Detection of radioactivity can be achieved in all cases with the Geiger–M\xfcller counter.
    However, for the weaker-emitting radionuclides, that is, 3H, 14C, and 35S, large amounts of radionuclides are required for detection of a signal..

  • What is radioactive analysis?

    Radioactivity analysis is important for monitoring naturally-occurring and other radioactive materials, the health of the environment, characterizing waste, remediating sites, and complying with regulations in mining, manufacturing and power generation..

  • What is the statistical process of radioactivity?

    Radioactive decay is a statistical process: to know when a nucleus will decay into another nucleus is impossible, but is possible to predict the probability of nuclear decay in a unit of time and consequently the mean number of decayed nuclei per second..

  • Detecting radiation is achieved through the use of a variety of instruments.
    The most common type of radiation detector is a Geiger-Mueller (GM) tube, also called a Geiger counter.
  • random errors are always present and play a significant role in radiation counting and imaging. it is, therefore, important to analyse the random errors to determine the associated uncertainty.
    This is done using methods of statistical analysis.
  • Under this method, the material to be studied is exposed to neutrons or charged particles, or electromagnetic radiation such as X-rays.
    This causes nuclear transformations in the material, followed by radioactive decay.
The analysis of low-level or background dominant radioactivity is complicated by the fact that sample net rate of activity above background may be negative, 

Is radioactivity a stochastic process?

Radioactivity and interaction of radiation with matter is a stochastic process.
The variations in the recorded counts from a radioactive source is the result of this stochasticity.
It would be important to understand the extent of this variation and the count that best represents the activity of the radioactive sample.


Mple 8.1

A sample of radioactive material initially contains \\( N{}_{0} = 10^{9} \\) nuclei, whose decay constant is \\( \\lambda = 10^{ - 6} {\\text{ s}}^{ - 1} \\).
What is the expected number of disintegrations in the time interval between \\( t = 0 \\) and \\( t = 10{\\text{ s}} \\).
The mean lifetime of these radioactive nuclei is \\( \\tau = 1/\\lambda = 10^{6} {\\.


Mple 8.2

The number of nuclei of isotope 1 varies with time according to the relation \\( N_{1} = N_{10} \\text{e}^{{ - t/\\tau_{1} }} \\).
The nuclei of the isotope 2 produced also decays with a mean life of \\( \\tau_{2} \\).
Plot the concentration \\( N_{2} (t) \\) of the daughter isotope as a function of time.
Given: \\( N_{10} = 10^{6},\\quad \\tau_{1} = 10{\\text{.


Mple 8.3

The number of nuclei of isotope 1 varies with time according to the relation \\( N_{1} = N_{10} \\text{e}^{{ - t/\\tau_{1} }} \\).
The nuclei of the isotope 2 produced also decays with a mean life of \\( \\tau_{2} \\).
Plot the concentration \\( N_{2} (t) \\) of the daughter isotope as a function of time.
Given: \\( N_{10} = 10^{6},\\quad \\tau_{1} = 10{\\text{.


Mple 8.4

The number of nuclei of isotope 1 varies with time according to the relation \\( N_{1} = N_{10} \\text{e}^{{ - t/\\tau_{1} }} \\).
The nuclei of the isotope 2 produced also decays with a mean life of \\( \\tau_{2} \\).
Plot the concentration \\( N_{2} (t) \\) of the daughter isotope as a function of time.
Given: \\( N_{10} = 10^{6},\\quad \\tau_{1} = 10{\\text{.


Mple 8.5

The number of nuclei of isotope 1 varies with time according to the relation \\( N_{1} = N_{10} \\text{e}^{{ - t/\\tau_{1} }} \\).
The nuclei of the isotope 2 produced also decays with a mean life of \\( \\tau_{2} \\).
Plot the concentration \\( N_{2} (t) \\) of the daughter isotope as a function of time.
Given: \\( N_{10} = 10^{6},\\quad \\tau_{1} = 10{\\text{.


Mple 8.6

Measurements of the activity of a radioactive sample, R, are given every minute for \\( 0 \\le t \\le 150 \\)min: 12993, 12414, 11882, 11566, 11023, 10623, 10207, 9813, 9428, 9026, 8639, 8353, 8058, 7709, 7517, 7218, 6904, 6637.86466, 6406, 6198, 5995, 5820, 5579, 5393, 5196, 5098, 4841, 4689, 4564, 4424, 4246, 4135, 4072, 3912, 3759, 3648, 3594, 3480,.


Mple 8.7

Measurements of the activity of a radioactive sample, R, are given for \\( 0 \\le t \\le 150 \\) min (see Example 8.6 [E]).
Plot logR(t) and verify that the activity seems to be due to two isotopes with different decay constants.
Analyze the curve R(t) into two decay curves and find the two decay constants.
The values of t are entered in column A and t.


What is the direct output of statistical analysis from radstat?

The direct output of statistical analysis from RadStat for the measured data is shown in Box 1.
In this analysis, bin size of 5 and sample size of 10 were used.
All commands shown in Table 1 were used to demonstrate the full capability of RadStat.


What software is used for statistical analysis of nuclear radiation?

There are variety of tools and software that can perform general statistical analysis such as:

  1. SPSS Statistics [ 15 ]
  2. SAS/STAT [ 16 ]
  3. Stata [ 17 ]
  4. Minitab [ 18] and many other packages

These software packages are for general statistical analysis and not dedicated to statistics of nuclear radiation.

Where are radioactivity measurements based?

Radiopharmaceutical Standardization Laboratory Radioactivity measurements for diagnostic and therapeutic nuclear medicine in the United States are based on measurements at NIST.
Activity measurements for the Calibrations:

  1. Gamma-ray Spectrometry System

Use of particulate air monitors to assess radioactivity

Continuous particulate air monitors (CPAMs) have been used for years in nuclear facilities to assess airborne particulate radioactivity (APR).
In more recent times they may also be used to monitor people in their homes for the presence of manmade radioactivity.
These monitors can be used to trigger alarms, indicating to personnel that they should evacuate an area.
This article will focus on CPAM use in nuclear power plants, as opposed to other nuclear fuel-cycle facilities, or laboratories, or public-safety applications.


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