Statistical methods in water resources 2020

  • Although India possesses only 4% of the world's renewable water resources, it is home to roughly 18% of the world's population.
    India has an average annual precipitation of 4,000 billion cubic meters (BCM), making it the country's primary source of freshwater.
  • In probability analyses, statistical methods permit coordination of observed data to yield a more accurate estimate of future fre- quencies than is indicated by the raw data, and also provide criteria for judging the reliability of the frequency estimates.
May 22, 2020The trends chapter has been updated to include the WRTDS (Weighted Regressions on Time, Discharge, and Season) method for analysis of water-  DOI: 10.3133/tm4A3
Series number: 4-A3

What is the most commonly used transformation in water resources?

The most commonly used transformation in water resources is the logarithm.
Statistical analyses are performed on the logarithms of water discharge, hydraulic conductivity, or concentration rather than on the raw data values.


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