Statistical methods for recommender systems github

  • How do you evaluate a recommendation system in Python?

    The commonly used metrics are the mean squared error (MSE) and root mean squared error(RMSE).
    The information retrieval metrics such as precision and recall are useful to assess the quality of a recommender system.
    Diversity, novelty and coverage are also considered as important aspects in evaluation..

  • What is the probabilistic model for recommendation systems?

    The PN is a probabilistic model that system- atically combines both content-based filtering and collab- orative filtering into a single conditional Markov random field.
    Once estimated, it serves as a probabilistic database that supports various useful queries such as rating pre- diction and top-N recommendation..

  • What is the random forest algorithm in recommendation system?

    The proposed Random Forest algorithm aims to develop an efficient technique based on recommendation approach is compared with the existing K-Means and as well as the similarity methods i.e.
    Cosine Similarity and Pearson Correlation.
    Random forest is most accurate and works efficiently on huge dataset..

  • Which algorithm is best suited for recommendation system?

    Matrix factorization algorithms are probably the most popular and effective collaborative filtering methods for recommender systems..

  • Which analytics acts as a recommendation engine?

    The most common types of recommendation engines include the following: Collaborative filtering.
    Streaming services commonly use this filtering method.
    Collaborative filtering collects data on user activities and behaviors, and uses it to define preferences and predict future behavior..

  • Clustering algorithms are an important part of recommendation systems and play a significant role in personalizing recommendations for users.
    They allow for scalable and robust recommendations based on the preferences of similar users.
  • The most common types of recommendation engines include the following: Collaborative filtering.
    Streaming services commonly use this filtering method.
    Collaborative filtering collects data on user activities and behaviors, and uses it to define preferences and predict future behavior.
  • The proposed Random Forest algorithm aims to develop an efficient technique based on recommendation approach is compared with the existing K-Means and as well as the similarity methods i.e.
    Cosine Similarity and Pearson Correlation.
    Random forest is most accurate and works efficiently on huge dataset.


Implementations and evaluations of various recommender system algorithms from the literature


Performing Grid-Search

To see the various Grid Search runs you can check out the single algorithm implementations in the notebooks directory.
When single-handidly studying the algorithms we performed Grid search for hyperparameter tuning on most of them, while also running cross validation afterwards.


Project structure

There are 3 main directories:



Rating Prediction (using Surprise)


Table of contents

Various Recommenders:


Statistical analysis histogram
Statistical analysis hindi book pdf
Statistical analysis history
Statistical analysis hierarchical cluster
Statistical analysis hindi me
Statistical analysis hindi language
Statistical analysis hindi arth
Statistical analysis histology
Statistical analysis hindi name
Statistical histogram method
Statistical methods for high dimensional data
Statistical methods 2 pdf
Statistical methods 2
Statistics and numerical methods ii
Statistical methods for psychological research-ii
Statistical methods in public health iii
Two statistical methods
Statistical linear methods
Statistical methods line
Statistical analysis linear regression