Numerical and statistical methods viva questions

  • What are numerical techniques more commonly involved?

    Explanation: Numerical techniques more commonly involve an iteration method due to the degree of accuracy involved.
    This is because iterations reduce the approximation errors which may occur in numerical problems.
    They perform sequential operations which in turn increases the accuracy..

  • What is the difference between numerical methods and statistical methods?

    In numerical models, we define the physical laws and constitutive laws and propagate boundary conditions with them.
    In statistical models, we train weights for our predictors and model architecture.
    Every type of model is basically the same — we make a long list of assumptions about how a system behaves..

  • What is the reason for using numerical methods?

    Numerical methods must be used if the problem is multidimensional (e.g., three-dimensional flow in mixing elements or complicated extrusion dies, temperature fields, streamlines) and/or if the geometry of the flow region is too complex.
    They need a high degree of mathematical formulation and programming..

  • Different Types of Numerical Methods

    Euler method - the most basic way to solve ODE.Clear and vague methods - vague methods need to solve the problem in every step.The Euler Back Road - the obvious variation of the Euler method.Trapezoidal law - the direct method of the second system.
  • Answer: System Simulation is considered to be a numerical computation technique used in conjunction with dynamic mathematical models.
    Explanation: The numerical techniques as we know are a wide range of techniques that are used to solve various equations with the help of computational procedures of course.
  • The overall goal of the field of numerical analysis is the design and analysis of techniques to give approximate but accurate solutions to hard problems, the variety of which is suggested by the following: Advanced numerical methods are essential in making numerical weather prediction feasible.
Rating 5.0 (4) 8) What do you mean by data errors? 9) What do you mean by conversion errors? 10) What do you mean by numerical errors? 11) What do you mean by round off errors 

How many MCQs are there in probability & statistics?

Probability and Statistics MCQ (Mathematics III / M3) The section contains multiple choice questions and answers on probability and statistics.
If you would like to learn "Numerical Methods" thoroughly, you should attempt to work on the complete set of 1000+ MCQs - multiple choice questions and answers mentioned above.


What are Viva questions for Physics?

Viva questions for Physics are mainly based on concepts and topics from Physics textbooks.
Here are the most common viva questions for Physics Class 11 and Class 12:

  1. What is Ohm’s Law.
    What do you mean by ‘interference’.
    Define tangent law

Name the type of motion shown by the Torsional pendulum.
What happens with resonance in the LCR circuit? .

What is a viva exam?

A viva simply means a university examination during which students answer questions in speech and these questions are commonly based on a particular project or discipline.
Viva questions are an important part of an academic program and often take place at the conclusion of a semester/year.


What MCQs are included in numerical analysis?

The section contains Numerical Analysis MCQs on matrix inversion, gauss elimination and jordan method, factorization, crout’s and gauss seidel methods, cramers rule, jacobi’s iteration method, partition and iterative method, eigen values and vectors, properties and bounds of eigen values, power method, given’s and house holder’s method. 4.


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