Data communication system spanning states countries or the world is

  • What is a data communication system spanning states countries or the whole world called?

    Answer: b Explanation: WAN is the abbreviation for Wide Area Network.
    This network extends over a large geographical area.
    These are used to connect cities, states or even countries..

  • What is the data communication system spanning cities?

    WAN stands for Wide Area Network, which refers to a computer network that spans a large geographical area, such as a city, country or even the world..

  • A set of rules that governs data communication is called a protocol.
    The protocol is a set of rules regulating communication.
    In communication, the basic components are a sender, a receiver, and a mechanism by which the message is transmitted to the receiver from the sender.
Answer: b Explanation: WAN is the abbreviation for Wide Area Network. This network extends over a large geographical area. These are used to connect cities, states or even countries.


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