Data communication system model

  • How does data communication model works?

    Data communications are the exchange of data between two devices via some form of transmission medium such as a wire cable.
    For data communications to occur, the communicating devices must be part of a communication system made up of a combination of hardware (physical equipment) and software (programs)..

  • Types of communication in Computer Network

    Communication system is a system model describes a communication exchanges between two stations, transmitter and receiver.
    Signals or informations passes from source to distention through what is called channel, which represents a way that signal use it to move from source toward destination..

  • What is a data communication model?

    Data Communications Model
    • DTE.
    The Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) is the source and receiver's equipment which is generating the data stream.
    Examples of DTE devices are: PCs, terminals, end user devices..

  • What is communication system and its models?

    Communication system is a system model describes a communication exchanges between two stations, transmitter and receiver.
    Signals or informations passes from source to distention through what is called channel, which represents a way that signal use it to move from source toward destination..

Jul 20, 2022Components of Data Communication. A communication system is made up of the following components: Message: A message is a piece of information 


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