Compressed data not read from a terminal

  • How do I open a .gz file without unzipping it?

    Using the lesspipe Command
    Indeed, lesspipe allows displaying the contents of various archive files without unarchiving them beforehand.
    Additionally, unlike the less command, lesspipe prints the entire output to stdout..

  • How do I read compressed files in Linux?

    If you need to check the contents of a compressed text file on Linux, you don't have to uncompress it first.
    Instead, you can use a zcat or bzcat command to extract and display file contents while leaving the file intact.
    The "cat" in each command name tells you that the command's purpose is to display content..

  • How do I view data in a .gz file?

    If you're using Windows, you can extract GZ files using the "tar" command in Command Prompt or by installing the 7-Zip program.
    On a Mac, just double-click the file to extract it, or use the command gunzip filename. gz in a Terminal window.
    If you're using Linux, use the gzip -d filename..

  • How do you read a compressed file in Linux?

    If you need to check the contents of a compressed text file on Linux, you don't have to uncompress it first.
    Instead, you can use a zcat or bzcat command to extract and display file contents while leaving the file intact.
    The "cat" in each command name tells you that the command's purpose is to display content..

  • If you're using Windows, you can extract GZ files using the "tar" command in Command Prompt or by installing the 7-Zip program.
    On a Mac, just double-click the file to extract it, or use the command gunzip filename. gz in a Terminal window.
    If you're using Linux, use the gzip -d filename.
  • The gzip program compresses and decompresses files on Unix like system.
    You need to pass the -c or --stdout , or --to-stdout option to the gzip command.
    This option specifies that output will go to the standard output stream, leaving original files intact.

How to compress files in the terminal on Linux?

The number one way to compress files in the terminal on the Linux platform is with Tar..
Another way to compress files on Linux via the terminal is with Rar.. Zip.
If you need to compress files on your Linux PC that are also easily accessible on other operating systems (like Mac or Windows),Zip is what you want.


How to read a file in terminal without a text editor?

There are number of commands which you can use to read the file in terminal without using a text editor.
My favorites are " less " & " more ".
You can also use cat as suggested by Scorch.
You can also check man pages for more details.
I use the command cat for this.
Ok so here are the contents of hello.txt:.


How to read compressed files without decompressing a file?

If you don’t know if the file is compressed (i.e., files without .gz extension), you can use zcat with option -f.
This will display the content of the file irrespective of whether it is gzipped or not.
Same as less and more, you can use zless and zmore to read the content of the compressed files without decompressing the files.


Reading Compressed Files with Zless and Zmore

Same as less and more, you can use zless and zmoreto read the content of the compressed files without decompressing the files.
All the keyboard shortcuts of less and more work the same.


Searching Inside Compressed Files with zgrep

Grep is a hell of a powerful command and I think, one of the most used Linux commands. zgrepis the Z counterpart of grep that allows you to search inside gzipped compressed files without extracting them.
You can use it with all the regular grep options.
For example:


Viewing Compressed Files with Zcat

If you use the cat command, you can replace it with zcat. zcat is used in exactly the same manner as you use cat.
For example: This will display all the contents of logfile.gz without even extracting it.
You can use regular less and more commands with zcatto see the output in pages: If you don’t know if the file is compressed (i.e., files without ..

How do I recover data from a compressed file?

Use zcat to recover some data The compressed file has been damaged

The data up to the point of failure can be recovered using zcat file > recover file: compressed with xx bits, can only handle yy bits File was compressed (using LZW) by a program that could deal with more bits than the decompress code on this machine

Is it possible to compress data while reading stdin on Linux?

Is it possible to compress (create a compressed archive) data while reading from stdin on Linux? Yes, use gzip for this

The best way is to read data as input and redirect the compressed to output file i

e cat test csv will send the data as stdout and using pipe-sign gzip will read that data as stdin

Where is the compression command stored?

The compression command itself is stored in a configuration file

Your latter command looks close to what I need, but I think that I've found something that will fit my needs just a little bit better

My guess is that you are using a variable in your script that is not set, e.g... # file="" # gunzip $file > filename gunzip: compressed data not read from a terminal. Use -f to force decompression. For help, type: gunzip -hTo uncompress this file, use tar. Use the switches tar zxvf. $ file file.tar.bz2 file.tar.bz2: bzip2 compressed data, block size = 900k To uncompress this file, use tar. Use the switches tar jxvf.


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