Data compression using long common strings

  • How do you compress a long string?

    Start by taking the first character of the given string and appending it to the compressed string.
    Next, count the number of occurrences of that specific character and append it to the compressed string.
    Repeat this process for all the characters until the end of the string is reached..

  • Which data compression technique is suitable for data having long sequence?

    5 Run Length Encoding.
    One data compression technique that is extremely useful with data sets containing large amounts of redundant information is run length encoding (RLE).
    This approach is commonly used on graphics and video data at fairly high compression ratios without producing any data loss or distortion..

  • Which string compression algorithm is fastest?

    LZ4 is lossless compression algorithm, providing compression speed at 400 MB/s per core, scalable with multi-cores CPU..

  • There are two main types of compression: lossless and lossy.
    Lossless compression guarantees that the data can be recovered exactly as it was before compression, while lossy compression may result in some loss of information.
Abstract: We describe a precompression algorithm that effectively represents any long common strings that appear in a file. The algorithm interacts well with standard compression algorithms that represent shorter strings that are near in the input text.

How much compression does our method provide?

On typical English text, our method provides little compression; there are few long common strings to be exploited.
Some files, though, do contain repeated long strings.
Baker [1995] documented significant repetition in the code of large software systems.


How to perform basic string compression using repeated characters?

Implement a method to perform basic string compression using the counts of repeated characters.
For example, the string aabcaaa would become a2b1c5a3.
If the "compressed" string would not become smaller than the original string, your method should return the original string.
The method signature is:

  1. “public static String compress (String inpu…

Why does a compression algorithm have to lengthen a file?

Therefore, if we can take some files and compress them, we have to have some files that length under compression, to balance out the ones that shorten.
This means that a compression algorithm can only compress certain files, and it actually has to lengthen some.


Why is string data compression important?

The String is one of the most common primitive datatypes we all use today.
The data files are largely comprised of strings of data thus string data compression proves to be highly beneficial.
It can significantly reduce the size of files and speed up the file transfer rate saving significant time and resources.

Does string-to-string correction capture the full generality of the delta compression problem?

However, the string-to-string correction problem does not capture the full generality of the delta compression problem

How much compression does our method provide?

On typical English text, our method provides little compression; there are few long common strings to be exploited

Some files, though, do contain repeated long strings

Baker [1995] documented significant repetition in the code of large software systems

What is delta compression?

For example, there may be many versions of a document, say a Wikipedia article, that differ only slightly from one to the next

Delta compression techniques attempt to exploit such redundancy between pairs or groups of files to achieve better compression

We define delta compression for the most common case of a single reference file


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