Data reduction example

  • What are the examples of data reduction?

    Data reduction techniques, such as feature selection, feature extraction, sampling, data compression, binning, and data aggregation, enhance storage efficiency, computational speed, and model performance in machine learning and data analysis by decreasing dataset complexity and size without altering its traits..

  • These are explained as following below.

    1. Data Cube Aggregation: This technique is used to aggregate data in a simpler form
    2. Dimension reduction:
    3. Data Compression:
    4. Numerosity Reduction:
    5. Discretization & Concept Hierarchy Operation:
Feb 2, 2023Data reduction is a technique used in data mining to reduce the size of a dataset while still preserving the most important information. ThisĀ 

What is an example of data reduction in astronomy?

An example in astronomy is the data reduction in the Kepler satellite.
This satellite records 95-megapixel images once every six seconds, generating dozens of megabytes of data per second, which is orders-of-magnitudes more than the downlink bandwidth of 550 kB/s.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of data reduction?

Let us use the table below to know the advantages and disadvantages of data reduction in banking and finance: It helps a firm save operational expenses, hardware and maintenance costs

It may always lead to some loss of information on the original data set, hampering accuracy in the right decision-making and financial analysis

What is a data reduction technique?

The purpose in turn dictates the requirements for the corresponding data reduction techniques

A naive purpose for data reduction is to reduce the storage space

This requires a technique to compress the data into a more compact format and also to restore the original data when the data needs to be examined

An example in astronomy is the data reduction in the Kepler satellite. This satellite records 95-megapixel images once every six seconds, generating dozens of megabytes of data per second, which is orders-of-magnitudes more than the downlink bandwidth of 550 kB/s.


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