Compress data from json

  • How to remove data from JSON?

    To remove an element by key, we'd follow these steps:

    1. Parse the JSON string or input stream using the Jackson ObjectMapper
    2. Convert the JSON data into a JsonNode object
    3. Use the remove(String fieldName) method on the JsonNode object to remove the desired element

  • What is the best way to compress JSON data?

    In conclusion, reducing the size of a JSON file containing coordinate pairs can be done through the use of Gzip compression and the Douglas Peucker algorithm.
    Both methods can significantly reduce the size of the file, making it easier and faster to transfer data over the network.Feb 4, 2023.

  • Extract virtual columns​

    1. Collect key paths which the accesses counts exceeds the threshold generated by FPGrowth algorithm
    2. Parse JSON data, infer JSON schema for all the key paths, include the data type of value, and the row numbers
  • Extracting Values from JSON Objects

    1. Step 1: Choose the JSON Object.
    2. The first step to extracting values from a JSON object is to choose the object you want to extract values from.
    3. Step 2: Click the 'Extract Value' Button
    4. Step 3: Wait for the Values to be Extracted
    5. Step 4: View the Extracted Values
  • To obtain the size of a JSON-encoded array or object, use the json_size function, and specify the column containing the JSON string and the JSONPath expression to the array or object.
Compressing with gzip As text data, JSON data compresses nicely. That's why gzip is our first option to reduce the JSON data size. Moreover, it can be automatically applied in HTTP, the common protocol for sending and receiving JSON.

How do i compress a JSON file?

There are no options for JSON compression.
The batch compression automatically starts when files are uploaded.
Please be patient while files are uploading or compressing.
The output files will be listed in the "Output Files" section.
To compress all output files in a ZIP file, click " " icon on the right, then click "Add to ZIP".


How does gzip compression reduce JSON data size?

In our mock data, we set 50% of the phone numbers, and 30% of the email addresses, as empty.
Leaving out these null values reduces our JSON data size to 166.8kB or 92.1% of the original data size.
Then, gzip compression will drop it to 24.9%.


What is JSON minify online tool?

JSON Minify Online tool helps to minify JSON / compact JSON, compress JSON data along with formatting JSON data.
JSON Minifier is very simple and easy way to minify JSON Data and Share with others.
Best and Secure JSON Minify works well in Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Edge.
Why JSON Minify.
How to use JSON Minify with URL? .


Why should i compress and minify my JSON data?

JSON data is typically stored in text format, which can be inefficient to transfer and process.
By compressing and minifying the data, you can reduce the size of the data transfer and improve the website's performance.
By minifying your JSON data, you can reduce the size of your files and improve page speed.

Domain Model and Test Data

Let’s create a domain model for a Customerwith some contact data: Note that all fields will be mandatory, except for phoneNumber and email

Json Data Size with Jackson Default Options

Let’s write a Java object to JSON with the default Jackson options: Let’s see the mock data for the first Customer: When using default Jackon options

Compressing with gzip

As text data, JSON data compresses nicely. That’s why gzip is our first option to reduce the JSON data size. Moreover

Shorter Field Names in Json

It’s a best practice to use field names that are neither too short nor too long

Serializing to An Array

Let’s see how we can further reduce the JSON data size by leaving out the field names altogether

Excluding Null Values

Jackson and other JSON processing libraries may not handle JSON null values correctly when reading or writing JSON. For example

New Domain Class

We achieved the smallest JSON data size so far by serializing it to an array. One way of reducing that even further is a new domain model with fewer fields


In this article, we first saw why we need to reduce JSON data sizes. Next, we learned various ways to reduce this JSON data size. Finally

How does gzip compression reduce JSON data size?

In our mock data, we set 50% of the phone numbers, and 30% of the email addresses, as empty

Leaving out these null values reduces our JSON data size to 166

8kB or 92 1% of the original data size

Then, gzip compression will drop it to 24


How to compress a JSON file?

And click on the Compress button

The code gets minified automatically and the screen scrolls down to the "Compressed JSON" section

All the extra spaces, line breaks and comments will get removed by the code

This JSON minifier do not have any limit so you can optimize your JSON files as many times as you want

How to reduce JSON data size?

That’s why gzip is our first option to reduce the JSON data size

Moreover, it can be automatically applied in HTTP, the common protocol for sending and receiving JSON

Let’s take the JSON produced with the default Jackson options and compress it with gzip

This results in 45 9 KB, just 25 3% of the original size


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