Base64 data compression

  • Does base 64 compress data?

    On base 64 encoded data, the resultant string is always larger than the original (i.e. this is not a compression algorithm).
    Another important distinction is that base 64 does not encrypt any information — it uses a “standard” table of characters to encode and decode information..

  • Does Base64 compress data?

    Base64 doesn't compress at all, in fact it's only 75% as efficient as binary, meaning that encoding a file into Base64 increases its size by a third.
    Base64 uses a 64 character alphabet (hence the name), so you can only represent 64 different values within each byte.Mar 4, 2018.

  • Does Base64 encoding compress data?

    Base64 encoding is most commonly used for compression and transmission of data, but it can also be useful for storing information or encoding text.
    First, it is important to understand the different types of encoding.Feb 25, 2023.

  • Does Base64 provide compression?

    Base64 encoding is most commonly used for compression and transmission of data, but it can also be useful for storing information or encoding text.
    First, it is important to understand the different types of encoding.Feb 25, 2023.

  • Does base64 reduce quality?

    The short answer is no.
    Converting an image to base64 format does not change the quality of the original image..

  • How does Base64 conversion work?

    How Base64 Works

    Count the number of characters in a string.If it's not a multiple of three, pad with a special character, i.e., “=” to make it a multiple of three.Encode the string in ASCII format.Now, it will convert the ASCII to binary format, 8 bit each..

  • What is Base64 encoding data?

    Base64 is a binary to a text encoding scheme that represents binary data in an American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) string format.
    It's designed to carry data stored in binary format across the channels, and it takes any form of data and transforms it into a long string of plain text..

  • Why is base 64 the most compact?

    Base64 maps every three bytes of data into four bytes of encoded data.
    This means that the data would only bloat 4/3 times once it's base64 encoded..

  • Base64 encoding is lossless, platform-independent and endian independent.
    For example, SOAP and XML operations using HTTP on the World Wide Web are limited to UTF-8 characters, and so often use Base64 encoding for binary objects.
  • Base64 maps every three bytes of data into four bytes of encoded data.
    This means that the data would only bloat 4/3 times once it's base64 encoded.
  • The short answer is no.
    Converting an image to base64 format does not change the quality of the original image.
Compressed base64 string will roughly match the size of non-encoded data. How about after we turn it into base64? We see 33% increase in size, which is exactly what we've expected (base64 turns 3 bytes into 4, which gives 33% overhead).
Compression of Base64
  1. Arrange the bytes in order.
  2. Take each group of three bytes (24 bits) and divide into four sections of 6 bits.
  3. Map each 6-bit section to one of 64 characters, since 26=64.
  4. Each of the output characters will take up one byte, or 8 bits.
Jun 30, 2016Compression is necessarily an operation that acts on multiple bits. There's no possible gain in trying to compress an individual "0" and "1".How to compress base64 string [closed] - Stack OverflowWhich is the best compression scheme for Base64 string?Compressing Base64 String is not of less size - Stack OverflowIs it possible to further compress a Base64 PNG String?More results from

Can a compression tool detect Base64 encoding?

It would be cool if a compression tool was smart enough to detect Base64 encoding, then change its compression algorithm to handle it better (e.g. decode first before compression.) Compression is necessarily an operation that acts on multiple bits.
There's no possible gain in trying to compress an individual "0" and "1".



The particular set of 64 characters chosen to represent the 64-digit values for the base varies between implementations.
The general strategy is to choose 64 characters that are common to most encodings and that are also printable.
This combination leaves the data unlikely to be modified in transit through information systems, such as email, that w.



The example below uses ASCII text for simplicity, but this is not a typical use case, as it can already be safely transferred across all systems that can handle Base64.
The more typical use is to encode binary data(such as an image); the resulting Base64 data will only contain 64 different ASCII characters, all of which can reliably be transferred .


How big is a Base64-encoded binary data?

Very roughly, the final size of Base64-encoded binary data is equal to 1.37 times the original data size + 814 bytes (for headers).
The size of the decoded data can be approximated with this formula:

  1. UTF-7
  2. described first in RFC 1642
  3. which was later superseded by RFC 2152
  4. introduced a system called modified Base64

How many bits are in a 100-character Base64 string?

A 100-character base64 string contains 600 bits of information.
A base64 string contains 6 bits in each character and requires 100 characters to represent your data.
It is encoded in US-ASCII (by definition) and described in RFC 4648.
This is In order to represent your data in 20 characters you need 30 bits in each character (600/20).


Implementations and History

Variants summary table


When should I use a Base64 Uri?

Since Base64 encoded data is approximately 33% larger than original data, it is recommended to use Base64 data URIs only if the server supports HTTP compression or embedded files are smaller than 1KB.
The data, separated from the preceding part by a comma (, ).
The data is a sequence of zero or more octets represented as characters.

Can I send gzipped data instead of converting to base-64?

If you can send gzipped data, you might as well gzip the data instead of converting it to base-64

@andrewMorton if you mean sending bytes, i have tried that part also but before compressing lenght of bytes are 4496330, and after compressing using gzip it turned to be 4789390

Is Base64 a compression or a encoding?

You'll save 25% by base64 decoding it

JavaScript base64 code is readily available

Base64 is not a compression

It’s just an encoding that uses just 64 printable ASCII characters to encode any byte

So it’s rather the opposite of a compression

Is Base64 a good algorithm?

Given the high popularity of the algorithm, Base64 is well documented, is supported by various programming languages, has spawned several modifications, and, of course, has its own specification

However, no matter how strange it may sound, there is no official site or a site completely dedicated to this algorithm


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Data compression called
Data compression caching
Data compression use case
Data compression is also called
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Categorical data compression
Data compression in data communication
Data compression vs data compaction
Data compression and data encryption
Da data a data
Data factory compression type
Data factory compression
Compressed data faster
Data domain compression factor
Data domain total compression factor
Fast data compression
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