Micropython data compression

  • How do I compress a .PY file?

    To create your own compressed ZIP files, you must open the ZipFile object in write mode by passing 'w' as the second argument.
    When you pass a path to the write() method of a ZipFile object, Python will compress the file at that path and add it into the ZIP file..

  • Is bzip2 faster than gzip?

    bz2 extension to the file name. bzip2 typically achieves a higher compression ratio than gzip, especially for text files, but it is also slower and more CPU-intensive. bzip2 supports multi-threading with the -p option, but it is still limited by the single-threaded nature of the compression algorithm..

  • What is compressing file in Python?

    Compressing a file reduces its size on disk, which is useful when transferring it over the internet or between the systems using Control-m AFT or Connect direct or even scp.
    Python programs creates ZIP files using functions in the zipfile module..

  • Compress data (a bytes object), returning a bytes object containing compressed data for at least part of the input.
    Some of data may be buffered internally, for use in later calls to compress() and flush() .
    The returned data should be concatenated with the output of any previous calls to compress() .
  • LZ4 compression method is known to be one of the fastest available compression method but with a compression rate a bit lower than Zlib.
    In most of the cases, this method is a good choice.

Does MicroPython support smaller window sizes?

As for zlib.compress () , MicroPython also supports smaller window sizes than CPython.
See more MicroPython-specific details in the deflate module documentation.
If the data to be decompressed requires a larger window size, it will fail during decompression.
Compresses data into a bytes object.


Should I set wbits in MicroPython?

Therefore it is recommended that you should always explicitly set wbits if using the raw format.
For compression, MicroPython will default to a window size of 256 bytes for all formats.
This provides a reasonable amount of compression with minimal memory usage and fast compression time, and will generate output that will work with any decompressor.


What does deflate do in MicroPython?

See more MicroPython-specific details in the deflate module documentation.
If the data to be decompressed requires a larger window size, it will fail during decompression.
Compresses data into a bytes object. wbits allows you to configure the DEFLATE dictionary window size and the output format.


What is MicroPython documentation?

This is the documentation for the latest development branch of MicroPython and may refer to features that are not available in released versions.
If you are looking for the documentation for a specific release, use the drop-down menu on the left and select the desired version.

Does MicroPython support smaller window sizes?

As for zlib compress () , MicroPython also supports smaller window sizes than CPython

See more MicroPython-specific details in the deflate module documentation

If the data to be decompressed requires a larger window size, it will fail during decompression

Compresses data into a bytes object

What is MicroPython documentation?

This is the documentation for the latest development branch of MicroPython and may refer to features that are not available in released versions

If you are looking for the documentation for a specific release, use the drop-down menu on the left and select the desired version


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