Sql data compression row vs page

  • How does page compression work?

    You can think of page compression as doing data deduplication within a page.
    If there is some value repeated in multiple spots on a page, then page compression can store the repetitive value only once, and save some space..

  • How does SQL compress data?

    Row-level compression works by using more efficient storage formats for fixed-length data.
    Row-level compression uses the following strategies to save space: Storing fixed-length numeric data types and CHAR data types as though they were variable-length data types.
    Not storing NULL or 0 values..

  • What are the benefits of page compression in SQL Server?

    A technique to increase resources storing benefits such as cost-efficient or space management effectiveness.
    SQL compression not only saves disk space and memory but also helps more data fit in a page on both I/O and Disk which improve the performance of the I/O workload.Mar 2, 2020.

  • What is row-level compression in SQL Server?

    Row-level compression is applied to maximize the number of rows stored on a page.
    Column prefix compression is applied by replacing repeating data patterns with references.
    This data is stored in the page header.
    Dictionary compression scans for repeating values and stores this information in the page header..

  • What is the difference between page and row compression in SQL?

    Page-level compression can save more space than row-level compression for tables that have many repeating values, such as lookup tables, dimension tables, or historical data.
    Page-level compression also reduces the I/O and memory usage for queries that scan or read many pages.Mar 14, 2023.

  • When using row and page compression is available for system tables?

    Compression isn't available for system tables.
    Compression can allow more rows to be stored on a page, but doesn't change the maximum row size of a table or index.
    A table can't be enabled for compression when the maximum row size plus the compression overhead exceeds the maximum row size of 8,060 bytes.Oct 27, 2023.

  • SQL compression not only saves disk space and memory but also helps more data fit in a page on both I/O and Disk which improve the performance of the I/O workload.Mar 2, 2020
  • The SQL Server data compression reduces the amount of physical disk space required to store data and the amount of disk I/O is saved by performing SQL Server data compression.Apr 3, 2018
  • There are three forms of data compression you can use with SQL Server: row-level compression, unicode compression, and page-level compression.
Page-level compression can save more space than row-level compression for tables that have many repeating values, such as lookup tables, dimension tables, or historical data. Page-level compression also reduces the I/O and memory usage for queries that scan or read many pages.
Page-level compression can save more space than row-level compression for tables that have many repeating values, such as lookup tables, dimension tables, or historical data. Page-level compression also reduces the I/O and memory usage for queries that scan or read many pages.

Why do I need page compression if my table has duplicate values?

When your table has few duplicate values, as our test table does here, row compression is the right answer no matter what your U-value or S-value.
The reason for this is detailed above.
Page compression looks for repeated patterns.
Therefore, if your data does not have repeated patterns, you don't get much extra benefit from page compression.


Why is page-level compression important?

As we can see, row- and page-level compression can be powerful tools to help you reduce space taken by your data and improve the execution speed, but at the expense of CPU time.
This is because each access of a row or page requires a step to undo the compression (or calculate and match hashes) and this translates directly into compute time.

Row level : compression does not compress instead it allows the usage of only the actual amount of storage required. Less compression achieved by this but less CPU overhead as well. Page Level : compression eliminate duplicate value and keep only one. when we enable page level compression, row level compression is automatically enabled.Row compression is a good choice for OLTP data, high updates. Page compression is good choice for data having low updates.Compression can allow more rows to be stored on a page, but doesn't change the maximum row size of a table or index. A table can't be enabled for compression when the maximum row size plus the compression overhead exceeds the maximum row size of 8060 bytes.


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